

公告【留學講座】Study abroad in IPS, Waseda Univ. (日本早稻田大學), 12/22(五)上午10:00
內容Time: December 22nd (Fri), 2023 (10:00am to 11:30am)
Venue: TBA

Speaker: Shigeru Fujimura/ Director of Information, Production and Systems Research Center, Waseda Univ.
Host: Professor Chin-Lung Yang/ Vice-chairman of Electrical Engineering, NCKU

Please reserve your seat to click the link below https://forms.gle/ae2jsCUfQbfwNJw39 and finish the form.
Limited seats and lunch meal will be provided.
If you’ve registered in and later find that you cannot attend, please DO free up your seat.(mail to z10705017@ncku.edu.tw )

公告人員系一辦公室 洪小姐(分機62400#1104)
附件study abroad IPS.png