



一、工作單位與地點:國立成功大學電機工程系 自強校區 奇美樓 Lab 604


1. 研究和晶片設計,下線與量測規劃與執行
2. 國際期刊、國際會議論文撰寫,投稿與發表
3. 協助撰寫與執行研究計畫,包括中英文研究報告

1. 電機、電子、通訊、電子物理等相關領域已取得或應屆取得碩士或博士學位者
2. 具備積體電路設計和晶片下線經驗。具備至少一項下列專業領域:
a. 電源管理、直流直流,或無線電力傳輸電路設計
b. 類比與混合訊號電路設計
c. 記憶體電路設計
3. 熟悉TSRI所提供EDA設計環境。熟悉晶片量測所需的相關設施(量測儀器,PCB或FPGA)
4. 英文聽說讀寫程度中等以上





1. 中英文個人簡歷,無需提供個人大頭照。包含學經歷、聯絡方式、簡述學/碩/博論文研究內容、學歷證明、成績單、研究成果或著作列表、獲獎證明、至少一位推薦人聯絡方式(不需推薦信)、其他可供參考的資料。
2. 應徵資料以簡潔、重點條列式為佳。


Job opening:

1. Job location: Lab 604, ChiMei Building, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

2. Job opening: 1 or 2 research assistant with a Master degree, or 1 postdoc with a PhD degree. Full-time or part-time working is negotiable.

3. Job description:
a. You will carry out research, design ICs, tape out ICs and chip measurement.
b. You will write paper manuscripts that aim to submit to international journals, transactions and/or conferences.
c. You will help to write research proposals and carry out research works, which requires good Chinese and/or English proficiency.

4. Job requirement:
a. You have received, or are about to receive a Master or PhD degree from electrical engineering, electronics engineering or relevant department of institute
b. You have hands-on experiences on designing ICs, tapeout and chip measurement. Your background fits one or more of the following domains:
i. Power management ICs, DC-DC power converter ICs, or Wireless power transfer ICs
ii. Analogue and mixed-signal ICs
iii. Memory circuit design
c. You are familiar with some of EDA tools such as Virtuoso, Hspice, Laker, Calibre verification, etc. You are familiar with the facility of chip measurement including equipment, PCB design or FPGA
d. You are proficient at English

5. Work shift: day shift for full-time positions, Monday to Friday

6. Holiday: National holidays, more flexible holidays are negotiable subject to silicon tapeout planning

7. Salary: NTD 37,410 for a full-time research assistant with a Master degree. NTD 58,350 for a full-time post-doc with a PhD degree. The salary is negotiable based on work/research experiences and capacity.

8. Starting date: negotiable. The employment duration is expected to be at least 1 year.

9. Application materials to be compiled to a single PDF file, including resume (no personal photo please), education, work experiences, contact information, brief information of your Bachelar/Master/PhD thesis, degree certificate, transcripts, research outcomes, publication list, award, at least 1 referee with contact information (reference letter is not required), other helpful materials

10. How to submit your application: Please email it to z11008001@ncku.edu.tw. The email title should be “Apply_for_research_assistant_YourName” or “Apply_for_postdoc_YourName”. You will receive an interview invite once shortlisted.
