



◆吳進義老師-Python 程式設計入門|中文授課

隨著資訊教育越來越普及,程式語言儼然成為這個世代的顯學。在各個程式語言中,又屬Python 最易入門,並且應用廣泛,例如:爬蟲、數據分析、影像處理、機器人控制與深度學習等。這堂課將教導Python的基礎語法與進階應用,培養學生使用Python實做的能力,讓學生可以利用Python解決生活、研究或工作上遇到的問題。









熱門領域的必備先修技能!無論是機器學習(Machine Learning)或是巨量資料分析,都需學生擁有機率與資料導論的知識能力。本課程將介紹基礎機率模型及統計方法,包括描述性統計,機率,隨機變數,及樣本平均值的分佈…等。本課亦會講授進階的統計方法:變異數分析和迴歸分析,學生將學習如何把統計方法應用於解決實際的問題。


◆濱野正浩老師-數學與演算法|英文授課(Course taught in English)
Prof. Masahiro HAMANO-Introduction to Theory of Computation

這堂課屬於入門級別,自數學角度切入,從「複雜度理論」的根源——計算理論(Theory of computation)談起,講解圖靈機模型(Turing Machine)及其所衍生的決定性(deterministic)與非決定性(non-deterministic)函數,乃至複雜度理論。
Algorithms are crucial to artificial intelligence, and have been deeply relevant to fields such as social science, linguistic analysis, statistics, data analysis, computer science, information engineering, etc. The more agile the deployment of an algorithm, the more efficient it would be to execute tasks. As we learn more and more algorithms , it soon comes the question of deciding what algorithm to use.

Complexity theory is important in regard to choosing the best algorithm to use. In this course, Professor Hamano starts with the Theory of Computation, where complexity theory is derived from and with mathematical concepts and methods. Turing Machine modelling, deterministic and non-deterministic functions are in the following classes, including extensions of Turing Machine, cryptography and quantum computation as well.

#Introductory level course
#Elevating the computing efficiency starting from choosing the best algorithm
#Learning the theory of computation and the innovation of quantum computation

◆徐禕佑老師-AI圖像識別及機器人實驗室導論|英文授課(Course taught in English)
Prof. Allen Hsu-Introduction to Image Recognition AI and Robotics lab

這堂課從基礎的AI圖像識別開始講起,讓同學使用Python建置、訓練並評估深度學習模型(deep learning model),並以此應用於實際的機器人自走車,了解如何透過AI圖像識別讓機器人自走車與真實世界互動。老師將指導學生結合其他軟硬體與課程所學,完成人工智慧機器人專案,擁有完整實作的經驗。

The first international joint course in SOC! Miin Wu School of Computing has collaborated with National Institute of Technology, Kagawa College, Japan (NITKC), to design the syllabus and instruct students in the course “Introduction to Image Recognition AI and Robotics Lab”.

Starting with basics of image recognition AI, students will learn how to build, train and evaluate a deep learning model, and eventually apply the model on robots.

NCKU students will take the class with NITKC students together remotely, and work on an AI robot project. The course provides an opportunity for students to have hand-on experiences. In addition, there might be a field trip(in-person) visit to NITKC under safe conditions.

#建議先修Python或與「Python 程式設計入門」一起修課

#international joint course
#integration of Python, deep learning, image recognition AI, and AI robotics
#hand-on course

◆濱野正浩老師-隨機過程(碩士課程)|英文授課(Course taught in English)
Prof. Masahiro HAMANO-”Stochastic Process”


Stochastic Process is the foundation for a number of stochastic modellings, such as Poisson, Gaussian, queuing models etc. Stochastic models are widely applied in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, system engineering, social science, financial management, computer vision, deep learning and other fields. This course introduces a basic theory of stochastic process at the beginning, and then focuses on the theory of discrete and continuous Markov processes.

In the recent past, the stochastic process was frequently used to optimize algorithms and models. The objective of this course is to instruct students deploying the models efficiently to complete the research and execute tasks in a better way.


#accelerate modelling with math
#essential to robotics
#better modelling skills in hand, more elegant your algorithms would be





聯繫人:陳嬿羽 Dora Chen
Tel: 06-2757575 #57000 ext. 103