國立成功大學電機工程學系 教師個人頁面
English Version
楊慶隆 教授
06-2757575 ext.62422
美國普度大學電機工程博士 Ph.D., ECE, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA.
國立臺灣大學電信工程碩士 M.S., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
國立清華大學電機工程學士 B.S., National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
2016 ~ present  
國立成功大學電機系 教授
德國司徒加特大學電機系 訪問教授
2013 ~ 2016
國立成功大學電機系 副教授
 2016 ~ present  
臺南市雙語國際教育協會(TBIEA)    理事
2015.07 ~ 2016.01
美國佛羅里達州大學電機系 訪問教授
2008/08 ~ 2012
國立成功大學電機系 助理教授
2007/05 ~ 2008/05
美國普度(Purdue)大學電機系 博士後研究員
2007/01 ~ 2007/04
USA Delphi Electronics & Safety 副研究工程師
2003/05 ~ 2007/05
美國普度(Purdue)大學電機工程系 研究助教
2001/03 ~ 2001/08
台灣工研院 ITRI 副工程師
1997/09 ~ 1998/06
國立臺灣大學電信所 助教
  • 整合微波前端電路
  • 無線生醫應用、生醫檢測儀器
  • 微波感測器
  • 無線傳輸電力
  • 植入式天線
  • RFIC、無線感測網路(WSN)、分集化設計
  • 獵能技術Energy Harvesting及轉換電路、軟性電子
  • 雷達系統設計
期刊論文( Journal )
  1. G-W Fang, C-Y Huang, C-L Yang,"Switched-Based Low Intermediate Frequency System of a Vital Sign Radar for Simultaneous Multitarget and Multidirectional Detection"IEEE JERM, Jan 2020
  2. Tao-Cheng Yu, Wei-Hsiang Huang, Chin-Lung Yang, Design of Dual Frequency Mixed Coupling Coils of Wireless Power and Data Transfer to Enhance Lateral and Angular Misalignment Tolerance, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, vol. 3,No. 3,pp. 216-223, 08 February 2019. (DOI: 10.1109/JERM.2019.2898347)
  3. Chi-Chun Chen, Ching-Ping Chang, Chin-Lung Yang, An adaptive fall-free rehabilitation mechanism for ischemic stroke rat patients, Scientific reports, vol. 9,No.1, pp. 1-12, 2019/1/30
  4. Kun-Lin Hsieh, Sheng-Kwang Hwang, Chin-Lung Yang, Photonic microwave time delay using slow- and fast-light effects in optically injected semiconductor lasers, Optics letters, vol. 42, No.17, pp. 3307-3310, 2017/9/1,
  5. Chin-Lung Yang, Chung-Kai Chang, Shuenn-Yuh Lee, Soon-Jyh Chang, Lih-Yih Chiou, Efficient Four-Coil Wireless Power Transfer for Deep Brain Stimulation, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 65, No.7, pp. 2496-2507, 2017/7
  6. C.-L. Yang*, K.-W. Chen and C.-D. Chen , "Model and Characterization of a Press-Button Type Piezoelectric Energy Harvester," Journal of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Sep 2018
  7. C.-L. Tsai, K. W. Chen, C.-L. Yang*,"Implantable Wideband Low Specific Absorption Rate Antenna on a Thin Flexible Substrate," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Oct. 2015
  8. C-C Chen*, C.-L. Yang, C.-P. Chang, "An innovative running wheel-based mechanism for improved rat training performance," Journal of Visualized Experiments, May 2016
  9. C.-L. Yang*, C.-S. Lee, K. W. Chen, K.-Z. Chen, "Noncontact Measurement of Complex Permittivity and Thickness by Using Planar Resonators," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Jan. 2016
  10. C.-L. Tsai, K. W. Chen, C.-L. Yang*, "Implantable Wideband Low Specific Absorption Rate Antenna on a Thin Flexible Substrate," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Jan. 2016
  11. C.-L. Yang* and G.-T. Zheng, "Wireless Low-Power Integrated Basal-Body-Temperature Detection Systems Using Teeth Antennas in MedRadio Bands," Sensors, Nov. 2016
  12. C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang*, “Single-Compound Complementary Split-Ring Resonator for Simultaneously Measuring the Permittivity and Thickness of Dual-Layer Dielectric Materials," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2015. (SCI, IF=2.943, 5-Year Journal Impact Factor = 2.727, ranking=12.1%, R/C=30/248, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC)
  13. C.-L. Yang, P.-C. Chen, H.-L. Hsieh, S.-J. Huang, H.-P. Cheng, J.-J. Tseng, K.-C. Young*, “Design of Novel Point-of-Care Testing Biochips for Whole-Blood Prothrombin Time,” Journal of Biomedical and Laboratory Sciences, vol. 27, no. 4, 2015.
  14. C.-L. Tsai, K. W. Chen, C.-L. Yang*, “Implantable Wideband Low-SAR Antenna with C-shaped Coupled Ground,”IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2015. (Corresponding author) (SCI, IF=1.948, ranking = 19.2%, R/C=15/78, TELECOMMUNICATIONS).
  15. C.-C. Chen, M.-W. Chang, C.-P. Chang, W.-Y. Chang, S.-C. Chang, M.-T. Lin and C.-L. Yang*, "Improved Infrared-Sensing Running Wheel Systems with an Effective Exercise Activity Indicator," PLOS One, (SCI, IF=3.534 in 2013; 5-Year IF=4.015, ranking = 14.5%, R/C= 8/55, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122394.
  16. W.-Y. Chang, C.-C. Huang, C.-C. Chen, C.-C. Chang and C.-L. Yang*, "Design of a novel flexible capacitive sensing mattress for sleeping respiratory monitoring," Sensors, v. 14 (11), pp. 22021 – 22038, 2014. (ISSN 1424-8220) (SCI, IF=1.953 in 2012; 5-Year IF=2.395 in 2012, ranking = 14.04%, R/C= 8/57, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION).
  17. C.-C. Chen, S.-C. Lin, M.-S. Young, and C.-L. Yang*, "Accumulated Mental Stress Study Using the Meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Photoplethysmography," Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, v. 20 (11), pp. 860 – 867, 2014 (SCI, IF=1.518, ranking=45%, R/C=10/22, INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE).
  18. C.-S. Lee, C.-L. Tsai and C.-L. Yang*, "Novel Cross-type Network for Wide Tuning Range Reconfigurable Multi-band Antennas," International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Article ID 741960, 7 pages, 2014. (Corresponding author) (SCI, 58/78, IF=0.468).
  19. C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang*, “Complementary Split-Ring Resonators for Measuring Dielectric Constants and Loss Tangents,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, v.24, i.8, Aug. 2014, pp. 563 - 565. (Corresponding author) (SCI, IF=1.78, ranking=27%, R/C=66/243, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC).
  20. C.-C. Chen, M.-W. Chang, C.-P. Chang, S.-C. Chang, W.-Y. Chang, C.-L. Yang*, and M.-T. Lin, “A Forced Running Wheel System with a Microcontroller that Provides High-Intensity Exercise Training in an Animal Ischemic Stroke Model," Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2014 (Corresponding author) (SCI, 2012 Impact Factor = 1.139; 5-yr IF=1.360; R/C = 52/83 in BIOLOGY)
  21. W.-Y. Chang, C.-C. Chen, C.-C. Chang, and C.-L. Yang*, “An Enhanced Sensing Application Based on a Flexible Projected Capacitive-Sensing Mattress,” Sensors, v. 14 (04), pp. 6922-6937, 2014. (ISSN 1424-8220) (SCI, IF=1.953 in 2012; 5-Year IF=2.395 in 2012, ranking = 14.04%, R/C= 8/57, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION). (Times cited: 2)
  22. C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang*, “Thickness and Permittivity Measurement in Multi-layered Dielectric Structures Using Complementary Split Ring Resonators,” IEEE Sensors Journal, v. 14, i. 3, pp. 695-700, March 2014. DOI (identifier) 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2285918. (Corresponding author) (SCI, IF=1.852, ranking=22.8%, R/C= 13/57, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (Times cited: 4)(Google Scholar, Times cited: 10)(up to Aug. 2015)
  23. C.-C. Chen, S.-C. Lin, M.-S. Young, and C.-L. Yang*, "Quantifying the Accumulated Stress Level Using a Point-of-Care Test Device," Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications (BME), vol. 26, i. 5, 2014. (Corresponding author) (SCI, IF=0.233) (Corresponding author).
  24. C.-L. Yang, S.-J. Huang, C.-W. Chou, Y.-C. Chiou, K.-P. Lin, M.-C. Tsai, C.-Y. Liu, K.-C. Young*, "Design and Evaluation of a Portable Optical-based Biosensor for Testing Whole Blood Prothrombin Time," Talanta, 2013. DOI: 10.1142/S1016237214500537. (SCI, IF=3.49, ranking=16%, R/C= 12/75, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) (Times cited: 3)
  25. C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang*, “A Coupling Matrix-Based Design of Triple-Band Matching Network,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2013. (Corresponding author) (SCI, IF=1.78, ranking=27%, R/C=66/243, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) (Times cited: 1)
  26. C.-K. Wu, T.-F. Chien, C.-M. Cheng, C.-L. Yang*, C.-H. Luo, “Development of Wideband Miniaturized Antennas by Fringe Field Capacitance Effects for Implantable MedRadio Band Biotelemetry,” Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2013, doi:10.5405/jmbe.1320. (Corresponding author) (SCI, IF=0.904). (Times cited: 1)
  27. C.-L. Yang*, C.-L. Tsai, and S.-H. Chen, “Implantable High-Gain Dental Antennas for Minimally Invasive Biomedical Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 61, i. 5, pp. 2380-2387, May 2013. (Corresponding author) (SCI, IF=2.33, ranking=11.5%, R/C=9/78, TELECOMMUNICATIONS).  (Times cited: 3)
  28. C.-L. Yang, Y.-C. Chiou+, C.-W. Chou, K.-C. Young*, S.-J. Huang*, C.-Y. Liu, “Point-of-care Testing of Portable Blood Coagulation Detectors Using Optical Sensors,” Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE), vol. 33, no. 3, 2013, doi:10.5405/jmbe.1103 (SCI, IF=0.904). (+:co-first author) (invited).
  29. C.-K. Wu, T.-F. Chien, C.-L. Yang*, and C.-H. Luo, “Design of Novel S-shaped Quad-Band Antenna for MedRadio/WMTS/ISM Implantable Biotelemetry Applications,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Article ID 564092, 12 pages, 2012, doi:10.1155/2012/564092. (Corresponding author) (SCI, 58/78, IF=0.468). (Times cited: 1, up to Oct. 2013) (Google Scholar, Times cited: 7).
  30. C.-L. Yang, Y. L. Yang, and C.-C. Lo, “Wideband Wireless Power Transmission to Enhance Efficiency for Low Input Power for Biomedical Applications,” in Biomedical Applications, ISBN 980-953-307-203-1, in July. 2012 (Book Chapter).
  31. C.-L. Yang*, C.-L. Tsai, K.-T. Cheng, and S.-H. Chen, “Low-Invasive Implantable Devices of Low Power Consumption Using High-Efficiency Antennas for Cloud Health Care,” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, v. 2, i. 1, Mar. 2012. (Corresponding author) (SCI, IF = 1.524, ranking = 40%, R/C = 101/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC). (Times cited: 7) (Cited by patent: 1) (Google Scholar Times cited: 10, up to Aug. 2015)
  32. E. Y. Chow, C.-L. Yang, P. P. Irazoqui; Wireless Power Transfer, Chapter 3: Wireless Powering and the Study of RF Propagation Through Tissue, (invited) July 2012, River Publishers, Denmark (Book Chapter).
  33. H.-M. Fang, S.-J. Huang, C.-L. Yang*, K.-C. Young*, Z.-K. You, “Miniaturized Real-Time Oxygen Detection Systems Integrated with Optical Fiber by Doping Ru-Based Fluorescence Sensors,” Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE), 2012, doi: 10.5405/jmbe.962. (Corresponding author) (SCI, IF=0.904).
  34. C.-L. Tsai, C.-L. Yang*, "Novel Compact Eye-Shaped UWB Antennas," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v. 11, pp. 184-187, Mar. 2012. (Corresponding author) (SCI, IF=1.67, ranking = 20.5%, R/C=16/78, TELECOMMUNICATIONS). (Times cited: 4, up to Aug. 2015) (Google Scholar, Times cited: 6).
  35. C.-L. Tsai, C.-L. Yang*, "Compact Dual Band 1.8/3.3 GHz Planar Monopole Antennas Using Tuning Mechanisms for GSM/WiMAX," Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER)-C, vol. 27, pp. 55-68, Mar. 2012, doi: 10.2528/PIERC11102508 (EI). (Corresponding author)
  36. C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang*, "Matching Network Using One Control Element for Widely Tunable Antennas," Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, vol. 26, 29-42, 2012, doi:10.2528/PIERC11102004 (EI). (Corresponding author)
  37. C.-L. Yang*, C.-L. Tsai, Y.-L. Yang, and C.-S. Lee, “Enhancement of Wireless Power Transmission by Using Novel Multitone Approaches for Wireless Recharging,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v.10, pp. 1353 – 1357, 2011 (one issue each year). (Corresponding author) (SCI, 19/77, IF=1.032). (Times cited: 2) (Google Scholar, Times cited: 6).
  38. C.-L. Yang*, Y.-L. Yang, and C.-C. Lo, “Subnanosecond Pulse Generators for Impulsive Wireless Power Transmission and Reception,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol. 58, i. 12, Dec. 2011, pp. 817 - 821. (Corresponding author) (Times cited: 3) (SCI, ranking = 34.5%, R/C = 85/246, IF = 1.334, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) (Acceptance Rates of TCAS-II =22.03 % in 2011). (Google Scholar, Times cited: 2).
  39. E. Y. Chow*, C.-L. Yang, Y. Ouyang, A. Chlebowski, P. P. Irazoqui, and W. J. Chappell, “Wireless Powering and the Study of RF Propagation Through Ocular Tissue for Development of Implantable Sensors," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, i. 6, pp. 2379-2387, Jul. 2011. (Times cited: 10) (SCI, 14/80, IF=1.730) (Google Scholar, Times cited: 8).
  40. C.-L. Yang and C.-S. Lee, Ultra Wideband Communications: Novel Trends / Book 2, Chapter 17: Reconfigurable Antennas of Wide Tuning Ranges and Controllable Selectivity Using Matching Networks, ISBN: 978-953-307-452-8, INTECH Open Access, Croatia, July 2011. DOI: 10.5772/20306 (Book Chapter).
  41. E. Y. Chow*, C.-L. Yang, A. Chlebowski, S. Moon, W. J. Chappell, and Pedro P. Irazoqui, “Implantable Wireless Telemetry Boards for In-vivo Transocular Transmission”, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, v. 52, i. 12, pp. 259-267, 2008. (SCI, 39/246)(Times cited: 28)(Google Scholar, Times cited: 40)(up to Aug. 2015).
  42. M. D. Krasniewski, R. Panta, S. Bagchi*, C.-L. Yang, and W. J. Chappell, "Energy-Efficient, On-Demand Reprogramming of Large Scale Sensor Networks," ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks (TOSN), vol. 4, i. 1, pp. 2:1 – 2:38, Jan. 2008. (Times Cited: 4) (SCI, 11/77) (Google Scholar, Times cited: 51)
  43. C.-L. Yang, S. Bagchi, and W. J. Chappell*, "Topology Insensitive Location Determination Using Independent Estimates through Semi-Directional Antennas," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, i. 11, pp. 3458 - 3472, Nov. 2006. (DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2006.884294) (SCI, 10/77) (Times cited: 1) (Google Scholar, Times cited: 6)
  44. C.-L. Yang and J.-F. Chang*, “Dynamic Code Assignment in Hybrid MC-CDMA/TDMA Systems,” European Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 14, No.1, pp. 49-59, Jan-Feb. 2003. (DOI: 10.1002/ett.4460140107)  (SCI, 47/77) (Times cited: 3)
會議論文( Conference )
  1. Yang-Zheng Lin, Chin-Lung Yang, "Heart Rate Extraction of Doppler Radar Systems Using Grey Wolf Optimization for Multiple Targets", IEEE AP-S/URSI, 2022
  2. Kuan-Ju Wu, Chin-Lung Yang, ''Heart Rate Extraction with VMD Algorithm in Non-Stationary Clutter Environment Based on FMCW Radar Systems'', IEEE RFIT, 2021
  3. K. W. Lin, Chin-Lung Yang*,''Vibration Sensors Using Complementary Split-Ring Resonators Based on Pendulum Structure for Frequency Detection,IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Atlanta, GA, USA, June, 2021. (Oral) (EI)
  4. Chung-Tse Chang, Chin-Lung Yang*, Utpal Dey; Jan Hesselbarth,''Measuring Vital Signs on Fingertip Using K-Band Spherical Dielectric Resonator'',IEEE 2020 50th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Jan. 12-14 2021.
  5. Y.-H Wang, Chin-Lung Yang*,''Thickness Measurement of Curved-Surface Biological Tissue with Air Gap Elimination by Triple-Ring Complementary Split-Ring Resonators'',IEEE SENSORS 2020 Conference, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Oct. 25-28, 2020.
  6. Y.-H Wang, Chin-Lung Yang*,''A Transformation of Biological Tissue from Non-Planar to Effective Planar Based on Complementary Split-Ring Resonators'',IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC), pp. 483 - 4858, , 2020 Dec. (EI)
  7. Yun-Ray Ho, Chin-Lung Yang*,''A Wearable Throat Vibration Microwave Sensor Based on Split-Ring Resonator for Harmonics Detection'',IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Boston, MA, USA, June, 2020. (Oral) (EI)
  8. Guan-Wei Fang, Ching-Yao Huang, Chin-Lung Yang, "Simultaneous Detection of Multi-Target Vital Signs Using EEMD Algorithm Based on FMCW Radar", 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), 29 July 2019
  9. Ching-Yao Huang, Guan-Wei Fang, Huey-Ru Chuang, Chin-Lung Yang, "Clutter-Resistant Vital Sign Detection Using Amplitude-Based Demodulation by EEMD-PCA-Correlation Algorithm for FMCW Radar Systems", 2019 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 25 November 2019
  10. P-K Chan, C-W Chen, C-L Yang,"Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure Estimation from Pulse Transit Time Using Dual Split-Ring Resonators with Notch Sturcture"IMS (2019)
  11. C-L Yang, S-P Cheng, C-E Yu,"Fused Helical-Spiral Coil Design Using Both Neural Network and Generic Algorithms"APS (2018)
  12. T-C Yu, C-L Yang,"Lateral and Angular Misalignment Tolerance Enhanced Coil Using Mixed Electric and Magnetic Coupling"WPTC (2018)
  13. S-K Chang, K-W Chen, S-D Yang, C-L Yang, K-W Cheng, "An Autonomous Wireless Transmitter with Piezoelectric Energy Harvester from Short-Duration Vibration"ISCAS (2018)
  14. C-H Li, K-W Chen, C-L Yang, C-H Lin, K-C Hsieh, "A Urine Testing Chip Based on the Complementary Split-Ring Resonator and Microfluidic Channel"MEMs (2018)
  15. P-K Chan,C-H Chen, K-W Chen, C-L Yang,"Soft Wearable Sensors for Precise Physiological Signals Measurements Based on the Fabric-Substrate Complementary Split-Ring Resonator"IMBioC (2018)
  16. W-F Chang, K-W Chen, C-L Yang,"Noise Tolerable Vital Sign Detection Using Phase Accumulated Demodulation for FMCW Radar System"IMBioC (2018)
  17. T-C Chang, P-K Chan, C-H Chen, K-W Chen, C-L Yang,"Fingertip Pulse Signals Enhanced by Using Intermodulation Multiplication of Active High-Sensitivity Split-Ring Resonator"in 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS)
  18. T-C Yu, C-L Yang, "Design and Analysis of Dual-Frequency Power Amplifier for Wireless Power and Data Transfer Application," in 2017 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), May 2017
  19. C-L Yang, T-C Chang, Y-Y Chen, "Microwave Sensors Applying for Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulse Diagnosis," in 2017 International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition, June 2017
  20. C-M Hsu, C-L Yang, "High Sensitive Detection of Flow Rate and Permittivity Through Microfluidics Based on Complementary Split-Ring Resonators," in 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), June 2017
  21. T-C Chang, C-M Hsu, K-W Chen, C-L Yang, "Wearable Sensors Based on a High Sensitive Complementary Split-Ring Resonator for Accurate Cardiorespiratory Sign Measurements," in 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), June 2017
  22. Y-R Wang, C-L Yang, "Using Open Complementary Split-Ring Resonators for Blood Coagulation Detection," in 2016 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP), July 2016
  23. C-K Chang, C-L Yang, "Power Transfer Efficiency Improved by Thicker Coil Structure for Implanted Biomedical IC," in 2016 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition (iWEM), May 2016
  24. C-M Hsu, K-Z Chen, C-S Lee, C-L Yang, "Improved approach using multiple planar complementary split-ring resonators for accurate measurement of permittivity," in 2016 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS) , March 2016
  25. C.-K. Chang, C.-L. Yang, “Inductive 3-coil Wireless Power Transfer Improved by T-type Impedance Matching for Implanted Biomedical IC,” in IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC) 2015, Boulder, CO, USA, May 13-15.
  26. C.-S. Lee, C.-L. Yang, "Non-contact Measurement of Permittivity and Thickness Using Planar Resonators," in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, May 2015. (EI). (Finalist of Student Paper Contest)
  27. K.-W. Chen, C.-L. Yang, "Self-Powered Batteryless Wireless Communication Systems for Internet of Things Based on Piezoelectric Energy Harvester," in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, May 2015. (EI).
  28. S.-E. Chen, C.-L. Yang, and K.-W. Cheng, “A 4.5 μW 2.4 GHz Wake-Up Receiver Based on Complementary Current-Reuse RF Detector” in IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), April 2015. (EI)
  29. C.-D. Chen, C.-L. Yang, K.-W. Chen, “The Fabrication and Measurement of a Piezoelectric Harvester Driven by Plucking,” in the 23rd National Conference on Sound and Vibration, New Taipei City, June 27, 2015.
  30. K.-W. Chen and C.-L. Yang, A Method for Input Impendence Matching of PIFA based on Meander Line Antenna,” in International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2014), Kaohsiung, Dec. 2-5, 2014. (Oral)
  31. C-L Tsai and C.-L. Yang, “Flexible Microwave Circuit Investigation and Compact Wideband Antenna Design,” in 2014 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2014), Nov. 2014.
  32. C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang, “Single Compound Complementary Split-Ring Resonator for Simultaneously Measuring Permittivity and Thickness,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 2014. (EI). (Oral)
  33. C.-Y Huang, C. L. Tsai, and C. L. Yang, “Compact Broadband Implantable Monopole Antenna with Gain Enhancement,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (AP-S), July 2014. (Oral)
  34. C. W. Yang and C.-L. Yang, “Analysis on Number and Adaptive Ranges of Resonators for Efficient Resonant Coupling Wireless Power Transmission,” IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC2014), May 8-9, 2014 (Poster).
  35. P.-A. Chen, C.-L. Yang, S.-H. Tseng, and M.-W. Li, “Compact and Non-Invasive Tissue Cancer Detectors Based on Frequency-Domain Photon Migration,” 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB). (Oral)
  36. W.-Y. Chang and C.-L. Yang, “The Applications of Projected Capacitive Array Sensing in Healthcare,” 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB). (Oral)
  37. C.-W. Yang and C.-L. Yang, “Analysis of Inductive Coupling Coils for Extending Distances of Efficient Wireless Power Transmission,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-Bio 2013) (Poster). (Nominated as one of the contest papers).
  38. C.-W. Yang and C.-L. Yang, “Analysis of High-Efficient Resonant Wireless Power Transmission with Matching Source and Load Coupling,” in 2013 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC’13), 2013. (Oral)
  39. Y.-C. Chou, C.-L. Yang, "A 24-dBm Power Amplifier in K-Band Using Figure-8 Power Combiner," in the 24th VLSI Design / CAD Symposium, Aug. 2013. (Poster)
  40. C.-L. Tsai, C.-Y. Huang, C.-L. Yang, "Compact Dual-Band Antennas with Inductive Loads Operating at MedRadio Band," in IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics (iWEM), 2013.
  41. C.-L. Yang, C.-L. Chiang, and S.-P. Yu, “Dynamic Control to Enhance Locking Range of Divide-by-Five Prescaler for 24 GHz PLL,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 2013. (EI). (Oral)
  42. C.-L. Yang, Y.-L. Yang, C.-W. Yang, “Adaptive Pulse Waveform Modulation to Enhance Wireless Power Efficiency for Biomedical Applications,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 2013. (EI). (Oral)
  43. C.-C. Chen, S.-C. Chang, C.-L. Yang, “Automation Training Model Construction of Forced Running Wheel Exercise for Stroke Recovery,” in 2013 IEEE International Conference on Orange Technologies (ICOT), 2013. (Oral)
  44. C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang, “Design of Dual-band Coupling Matrix-based Matching Network,” in Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2013. (Oral)
  45. S-P Yu and C.-L. Yang, “Design of Ultra Low-power Voltage Controlled Oscillator in 0.18-μm CMOS Technology,” in Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2013. (Oral)
  46. C.-Y. Huang, C.-L. Yang, and C.-L. Tsai, “Compact Folded Meander PIFA antennas in MedRadio bands,” in Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2013. (Oral)
  47. C-C Chen, M.-W. Chang, S.-C. Chang, S.-C. Lin, M.-S. Young, and C.-L. Yang, “Mental Stress Study Using Robustness Non-Invasive Physiological Parameters,” in 2013 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine and Biology Applications (SEMBA), Feb. 2013. (Oral)
  48. K.-T. Cheng and C.-L. Yang, “Body Temperature Monitoring System Operating at Med-Radio Band in Cloud Home Care,” in 2013 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine and Biology Applications (SEMBA), Feb. 2013. (Oral)
  49. Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, C.-W. Yang, and C.-L. Yang, “Using Pulse Width and Waveform Modulation to Enhance Power Conversion Efficiency under Constraint of Low Input Power,” in 2012 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2012), Dec. 2012. (Oral)
  50. C.-L. Tsai and C.-L. Yang, “A Circular Polarized Antenna with Dual-Feed by GIPD Process,” in 2012 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2012), Dec. 2012. (Poster)
  51. C.-H. Huang, and C.-L. Yang, “An Ultra-Low Input Voltage Boost Circuits for Applying in Energy Harvesting,” in the 33rd Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, Dec. 2012.
  52. S.-P. Yu and C.-L. Yang, "Design of Low-power Voltage Controlled Oscillator for 24 GHz Automotive Radar," in 2012 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS), Nov. 2012. (Won the Best Paper Award).
  53. C.-C. Chen, S.-C. Chang, and C.-L. Yang, “Heart Rate Measurement Systems of Rodents Based on Forced Wheel Running Exercise Using Non-invasive Photoplethysmography,” in 2012 Annual Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Nov. 2012. (Won the Best Poster Award)
  54. C.-L. Yang, Y.-L. Yang, C.-W. Yang, "Implantable RF-DC Rectifier IC of Low-invasive Wireless Power Transmission Systems," in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), Nov. 2012.
  55. S.-P. Yu and C.-L. Yang, "Design of Low-power and Low Phase Noise Voltage Controlled Oscillator for 24 GHz Automotive Radar," in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), Nov. 2012.
  56. Y.-C. Chou and C.-L. Yang, "An EER Power Amplifier with Ultra-Low Vdd / PM Distortion Using Capacitance Compensation," in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), Nov. 2012.
  57. C.-W. Yang, C.-L. Yang, “Design and Analysis of the Dual-Mode Coupled Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transfer," in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), Nov. 2012.
  58. M.-L. Fan and C.-L. Yang, "A Low-Distortion Bootstrapped Switch in Low Supply Voltage," in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), Nov. 2012.
  59. K.-T. Cheng, C.-L. Yang, "A Low Power CMOS Ring Oscillator for Med-Radio Band (402MHz)," in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), Nov. 2012.
  60. Y.-C. Chiou and C.-L. Yang, “Design and Clinical Verification of High Accurate Portable Blood Coagulation Instrument,” in Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2012), Nov. 2012. (Won the Best Thesis Paper Award).
  61. Y.-L. Yang and C.-L. Yang, “Using Pulse Width and Pulse Shape Modulation to Enhance Power Conversion Efficiency under Constraint of Low Input Power,” in Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2012), Nov. 2012. (Won the Best Thesis Paper Award).
  62. Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, and C.-L. Yang, “Enhancement of Output Voltage for Novel Dental Rectennas,” in the 42nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2012.
  63. C.-L. Chiang, C.-L. Yang, and S.-P. Yu, “Low-Power Oscillator with Memory Reduction Tail Transistors for 2.4 GHz Applications,” in in the 42nd European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 2012.
  64. C.-L. Chiang, C.-L. Yang, and S.-P. Yu, “Enhancement of Locking Range for Divide-By-5 Prescaler 24 GHz PLL,” in the 23nd VLSI Design / CAD Symposium, Aug. 2012.
  65. C.-W. Chou, K.-B. Lin, C.-L. Yang, S.-J. Huang, Y.-C. Chiou, C.-H. Huang, M.-T. Tsai, C.-Y. Liu, K.-C. Young, “Novel Portable Optical-based Blood Coagulation Detectors Applying for Prothrombin Time Detection Using Whole Blood,” in the 10th Chinese Laboratory Medicine Conference, Taipei, Nov. 4-7, 2011. (Won the Best Poster Paper Award).
  66. C.-L. Chiang and C.-L. Yang, “Electronic Stethoscope Array of Heart Sound for Assisting Diagnosis,” in Annual Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Aug. 2011. (Nominated as one of the oral contest papers).
  67. C.-L. Yang and S.-H. Chen, “Wireless Low-invasive Implantable Systems for Basal Body Temperature Monitoring,” in Annual Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Aug. 2011. (Nominated as one of the oral contest papers).
  68. Y.-C. Chiou, C.-L. Yang, C.-W. Chou, K.-C. Young, S.-J. Huang, “Portable Blood Coagulation Detectors Using Optical Sensors,” in Annual Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Aug. 2011. (Won the Oral Excellent Award).
  69. C.-L. Yang and S.-H. Chen, “Simulation and Modeling of Heterogeneous Integrated Systems with RF Modules for Wireless Biological Monitoring and Delivering Devices,” in the 22nd VLSI Design / CAD Symposium, Aug. 2011.
  70. C.-L. Tsai and C.-L. Yang, “Highly Efficient Planar Monopole Antennas for 1.8/3.3 GHz Dual Band GSM/WiMAX Operations,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (AP-S), July 2011. (Times cited: 2)
  71. Y.-C. Chiou, C.-W. Zhou, C.-L. Yang*, K.-C. Young, S.-J. Huang, “Portable Optical-based Blood Coagulation Detectors,” in 2011 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine and Biology Application (SEMBA), 2011.
  72. C.-C. Lo, Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, C.-S. Lee, and C.-L. Yang, “Novel Wireless Impulsive Power Transmission to Enhance the Conversion Efficiency for Low Input Power,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series (IMWS) on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission: Technologies, Systems, and Applications, 2011, pp. 55-58. (Nominated as one of Best Papers). (Times cited: 12)
  73. Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, and C.-S. Lee, “Efficiency Improvement of the Impulsive Wireless Power Transmission Through Biomedical Tissues by Varying the Duty Cycle,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series (IMWS) on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission: Technologies, Systems, and Applications, 2011. (Times cited: 3)
  74. S.-J. Huang, C.-L. Yang, K.-C. Young, H.-M. Fang, Z.-W. Hong, “The Optimization of LED-oriented POCT Whole-blood Coagulation Micrometer,” in 2010 International Symposium on Mechatronics and Medical Industrial Applications, 2010.
  75. S-H Chen, C.-L. Yang, “Implantable Fractal Dental Antennas for Low Invasive Biomedical Devices,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (AP-S), July 2010. (First video-taped presentation session in AP-S). (Times cited: 7)
  76. J.-J. Luo, S.-J. Huang, C.-L. Yang, “Portable Power-Saving Blood Coagulation Detection Devices for Remote Health Care Systems,” in Annual Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Dec. 2009. (one of the contest posters).
  77. C.-L. Yang, “Novel High Selective Band-Tunable Antennas over Ultra-wide Ranges Using Reconfigurable Matching Network,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APS), July 2009.
  78. C.-L. Yang, E. Y. Chow, P. P. Irazoqui, and W. J. Chappell, “RF Powering for Embedded Glaucoma Sensors in Miniature Packages,” in Union Radio Scientifique Internationale (URSI)-GA, Aug. 2008.
  79. S. Jeong, C.-L. Yang, J. R. Courter, S-I Kim, R. B. Pipes, and W. J. Chappell, “Multilayer Composite for Below Ground Embedded Sensor Networking,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APS), July 2008. (Won honorable mention for the paper). (Times cited: 4)
  80. E. Y. Chow, C.-L. Yang, A. Chlebowski, W. J. Chappell, and P. P. Irazoqui, “Miniature Antenna for RF Telemetry through Ocular Tissue,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 2008. (Times cited: 10)
  81. C.-L. Yang, S. Moon, E. Y. Chow, P. P. Irazoqui, and W. J. Chappell, “Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC) for RF Biomedical Applications,” in Indiana Radio Frequency (RF) Alliance's Microwave Integrated Circuits Workshop, in Indianapolis (poster), May 2008. (Won one of the best posters).
  82. C. -L. Yang, and W. J. Chappell, “Angular Diversity – Prominent for Compact Devices of Wireless Sensor Network in Indoor Environments,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APS), Jan. 2007. (MS Academic, Times cited: 2) 
  83. C. -L. Yang, Y. Ouyang, and W. J. Chappell, “Characterization of Angular Channel Response with Lowpass Filters by Using Semi-Directional Antennas,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APS), July 2006. 
  84. C.-L. Yang, S. Bagchi, and W. J. Chappell, “Location Tracking with Directional Antennas in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Long Beach, California, June 11-17, 2005. (Nominated as one of the best 20 student papers in the MTT-S conference). (MS Academic, Times cited: 8)
  85. C.-L. Yang, J. F. Mastarone, and W. J. Chappell, “Directional Antennas for Angular Diversity in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in IEEE AP-S Int. Symp., Washington DC, July 2005.  (MS Academic, Times cited: 4)
  86. N. Malhotra, M. Krasniewski, C. Yang, S. Bagchi, and W. Chappell, “Location Estimation in Ad-Hoc Networks with Directional Antenna,” in 25th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Columbus, Ohio, June 6-9, 2005. (Acceptance rate: 14.3% of 540 submitted papers). (MS Academic, Times cited: 29) (Google Scholar, Times cited: 35)
  1. Utility Patent – P. P. Irazoqui, W. Chappell, C. Yang, E. Y. Chow, “Intra-Ocular Pressure Sensor,” Filed 8/22/2008 Licensed by Purdue Research Foundation, Document Number: 2009/0069648 A1, Publication date : 2009-03-12, Filed 8/22/2008, PCT/US2008/073987, Patent number 8,475,374, issued on July 2, 2013.
  2. Utility Patent – D. C. Young, C.-L. Yang, S.-J. Huang, "Blood Coagulation Detection Device and Method," filed on Jan. 2, 2012, PCT/US 13/542,725. US 8703495 B2.
  3. 楊慶隆,陳盛豪,“低侵入式量測裝置”,中華民國專利(第I428121號), 專利權期間:2014/03/01-2031/08/16.
  4. 楊孔嘉,楊慶隆,黃崧任,“血液凝固檢測裝置及方法”(CHIP, DEVICE, AND METHOD FOR BLOOD COAGULATION),中華民國專利(第I468691號), 專利權期間:2015/01/11-2032/01/01.
  5. 楊慶隆,陳盛豪,“微型植入式天線” (COMPACT IMPLANTABLE ANTENNA),中華民國專利(第I4951931號), 專利權期間:2015/08/01-2031/09/15.
  6. 楊孔嘉,黃崧任,楊慶隆,“血液凝固偵測晶片、裝置及偵測方法”,中華民國專利(第I494567號), 專利權期間:2015/08/01-2031/10/12.
  7. 楊慶隆,楊育林,“以寬度與波形調變之無線傳能系統”(WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM USING WIDTH AND PULSE SHAPE MODULATION) ,中華民國專利(第I493824號), 專利權期間:2015/07/21-2032/12/17.
  8. 楊慶隆,黃尊禧,江杰倫,“除7電路及具有除7預除器之鎖相迴路”(PRESCALER OF DIVIDE-BY-7 WITH A HIGH DIVISION-RATIO AND PHASE-LOCKED LOOP SYSTEM USING THE SAME),中華民國專利(I499217), 專利權期間:2015/09/01-2032/12/17.,中華民國專利(申請案號101148040)
  9. 楊明興,楊慶隆,陳啟鈞,林士祺,"壓力狀態檢測裝置"(STRESS CONDITION DETECTING APPARATUS),中華民國專利(第I494079號), 專利權期間:2015/08/01-2032/12/20.
  10. 楊慶隆,李杰森,“藉阻抗匹配網路實現之新型可調式多頻帶天線”,中華民國專利(申請案號100129428)
  11. 陳冠維,陳重德,楊慶隆,"壓電獵能模組",中華民國專利
  12. 楊慶隆,曾盛豪,陳柏安,"鏡像抑制混頻模組以及包含鏡像抑制混頻模組之同源接收機",中華民國專利
  13. 陳啟鈞,楊慶隆,"紅外線感應之動物滾輪運動平台",中華民國專利(申請中)
  15. 楊慶隆,許家銘,''微波流速計與流速量測方法'',中華民國專利
  16. 楊慶隆,張大中,''檢測裝置及其偵測電路'',中華民國專利
  17. 黃勝廣,謝坤霖,楊慶隆,''光電式微波延遲時間與方法'',中華民國專利
  18. Chung-De Chen, Chin-Lung Yang, Kuan-Wei Chen,''Piezoelectric Energy Harvester'',U.S
  19. Sheng-Kwang Hwang, Kun-Lin Shieh, Chin-Lung Yang,''Photonic Microwave Time Delay Apparatus and Method Thereof'',U.S
  1. (Invited Talk)Chin-Lung Yang, ''Heart Rate Extraction with VMD Algorithm in Non-Stationary Clutter Environment Based on FMCW Radar Systems'', IEEE RFIT, 2021
  2. (Invited Talk)Chin-Lung Yang*,''Vibration Sensors Using Complementary Split-Ring Resonators Based on Pendulum Structure for Frequency Detection,IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Atlanta, GA, USA, June, 2021. (Oral) (EI)
  3. (Invited Talk)Chin-Lung Yang*, Utpal Dey; Jan Hesselbarth,''Measuring Vital Signs on Fingertip Using K-Band Spherical Dielectric Resonator'',IEEE 2020 50th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Jan. 12-14 2021.
  4. (Invited Talk)Chin-Lung Yang*,''Thickness Measurement of Curved-Surface Biological Tissue with Air Gap Elimination by Triple-Ring Complementary Split-Ring Resonators'',IEEE SENSORS 2020 Conference, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Oct. 25-28, 2020.
  5. (Invited Talk)Chin-Lung Yang,''A Wearable Throat Vibration Microwave Sensor Based on Split-Ring Resonator for Harmonics Detection'',IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Boston, MA, USA, June, 2020. (Oral) (EI)
  6. (Invited Talk)Chin-Lung Yang, "Simultaneous Detection of Multi-Target Vital Signs Using EEMD Algorithm Based on FMCW Radar", 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), 29 July 2019
  7. (Invited Talk)Chin-Lung Yang, "Clutter-Resistant Vital Sign Detection Using Amplitude-Based Demodulation by EEMD-PCA-Correlation Algorithm for FMCW Radar Systems", 2019 49th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 25 November 2019
  8. (Invited Talk)C-W Chen, C-L Yang,"Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure Estimation from Pulse Transit Time Using Dual Split-Ring Resonators with Notch Sturcture"IMS (2019)
  9. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang,"Fused Helical-Spiral Coil Design Using Both Neural Network and Generic Algorithms"APS (2018)
  10. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang,"Lateral and Angular Misalignment Tolerance Enhanced Coil Using Mixed Electric and Magnetic Coupling"WPTC (2018)
  11. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang, "An Autonomous Wireless Transmitter with Piezoelectric Energy Harvester from Short-Duration Vibration"ISCAS (2018)
  12. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang, "A Urine Testing Chip Based on the Complementary Split-Ring Resonator and Microfluidic Channel"MEMs (2018)
  13. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang,"Soft Wearable Sensors for Precise Physiological Signals Measurements Based on the Fabric-Substrate Complementary Split-Ring Resonator"IMBioC (2018)
  14. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang,"Noise Tolerable Vital Sign Detection Using Phase Accumulated Demodulation for FMCW Radar System"IMBioC (2018)
  15. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang,"Fingertip Pulse Signals Enhanced by Using Intermodulation Multiplication of Active High-Sensitivity Split-Ring Resonator"in 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS)
  16. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang, "Design and Analysis of Dual-Frequency Power Amplifier for Wireless Power and Data Transfer Application," in 2017 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), May 2017
  17. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang, "Microwave Sensors Applying for Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulse Diagnosis," in 2017 International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition, June 2017
  18. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang, "High Sensitive Detection of Flow Rate and Permittivity Through Microfluidics Based on Complementary Split-Ring Resonators," in 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), June 2017
  19. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang, "Wearable Sensors Based on a High Sensitive Complementary Split-Ring Resonator for Accurate Cardiorespiratory Sign Measurements," in 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), June 2017
  20. (Invited Talk)C-L Yang, "Wearable Sensors Based on a High Sensitive Complementary Split-Ring Resonator for Accurate Cardiorespiratory Sign Measurements," in 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), June 2017
  21. (Invited Talk) C.-L. Yang, “The Perspective of Middle Power Wireless Power Recharge Technology Development,” in Wireless Quick Recharging Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 17, 2016
  22. (Invited Talk) C.-L. Yang, “Using Open Complementary Split-Ring Resonators for Blood Coagulation Detection,” in 2016 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 29, 2016. 
  23. (Invited Talk) C. L. Yang, “Efficiency Enhancement of Wireless Power Transfer for Implanted Biomedical IC,” Dep. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, South University of Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, May 19, 2016.
  24. (Invited Talk) C.-L. Yang, “Power Transfer Efficiency Improved by Thicker Coil Structure for Implanted Biomedical IC,” in 2016 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics (iWEM), Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, May 16-18, 2016. 
  25. (Invited Talk) C. L. Yang, “RF Technologies for Wearable Systems,” Dep. of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA, Oct. 16, 2015.
  26. (Invited Lecture) C. L. Yang, “Design and Applications of Compact Wideband Antennas,” Dep. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Orlando, FL, USA, Sep. 22, 2015.
  27. (Invited Talk) C. L. Yang, “Microwave Technologies for Personal Health Care Devices,” Dep. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Central Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Sep. 8, 2015.
  28. (Public Presentation) C. L. Yang, “Compact Broadband Implantable Monopole Antenna with Gain Enhancement” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Memphis, TN, USA, Jul. 10, 2014.
  29. (Invited Talk) C. -L. Yang, "Technologies and Applications of Wireless Power Transmission,” Dep. of Electrical Engineering in National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Mar. 14, 2014.
  30. (Invited Talk) C. -L. Yang, "Wireless Low-Power Wearable Systems for Physiological Signal Monitoring," 2014 Electromagnetics Workshop: A Bridge to the Future, Yun-Lin, Taiwan, Jan. 21-23, 2014.
  31. (Invited Lecture) C. -L. Yang, "NFC Antenna Design and NFC Applications," Weltrend Semiconductor Inc., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Sep. 27, 2013.
  32. (Invited Lecture) C. -L. Yang, "NFC Principles and Technology Analysis," Weltrend Semiconductor Inc., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Sep. 13, 2013.
  33. (Invited Lecture) C. -L. Yang, "EMC," Instrument Technology Research Center - Tainan Campus (儀科中心南部儀器維修站), Tainan, Taiwan, Aug. 22, 2013.
  34. (Public Presentation) C.-L. Yang, “Dynamic Control to Enhance Locking Range of Divide-by-Five Prescaler for 24 GHz PLL,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Seattle, WA, USA, June 2013.
  35. (Public Presentation) C.-L. Yang, “Adaptive Pulse Waveform Modulation to Enhance Wireless Power Efficiency for Biomedical Applications,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Seattle, WA, USA, June 2013.
  36. (Public Presentation) C. -L. Yang, "Electromagnetic Applications in Health-care," Institute of Electro-optical Engineering in National Chiao Tung University, Tainan Campus, Tainan, Taiwan, Mar. 22, 2013.
  37. (Public Presentation) C.-L. Yang, “Using Pulse Width and Waveform Modulation to Enhance Power Conversion Efficiency under Constraint of Low Input Power,” in 2012 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2012), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 6 2012.
  38. (Public Presentation) C. -L. Yang, "Enhancement of Output Voltage for Novel Dental Rectennas,” in the 42nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Amsterdam, Nederland, Oct. 31, 2012.
  39. (Invited Talk) C. -L. Yang, "Electromagnetic Applications in Medicine and Biology," Institute of Communication Engineering in National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchi, Taiwan, Oct. 03, 2012.
  40. (Invited Lecture) C. -L. Yang, "Applications and Analysis of Wireless Recharging Principles and Key Technologies," Workshop of Wireless Charging Technology & Design Practices, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 11-12, 2012.
  41. (Invited Talk) C. -L. Yang, "Biomedical Applications: From Electronic Signals to Biological Signs,” Dep. Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, July 12, 2012.
  42. (Invited Talk) C. -L. Yang, "Energy Harvesting and Power Saving for Wireless Sensor Network," College of Information and Engineering, Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 21, 2011.
  43. (Invited Talk) C. -L. Yang, "Energy Harvesting and Power Saving for Wireless Sensor Network," Dep. of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 21, 2011.
  44. (Public Presentation) C. -L. Yang, " “Novel Wireless Impulsive Power Transmission to Enhance the Conversion Efficiency for Low Input Power,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series (IMWS) on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission: Technologies, Systems, and Applications, Kyoto, Japan, May 12, 2011.
  45. (Invited Talk) C. -L. Yang, "RF Technologies and Application in Biomedical Engineering," Dep. of EE, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, Nov. 06, 2009.
  46. (Public Presentation) C. -L. Yang, "Novel High Selective Band-Tunable Antennas over Ultra-wide Ranges Using Reconfigurable Matching Network,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, North Charleston, SC, USA, June 5, 2009.
  47. (Invited Talk) C. -L. Yang, "RF Technologies and Application in Biomedical Engineering," Rotary International in Taiwan, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 11, 2008.
  48. (Book Chapter) C.-L. Yang, Y.-L. Yang, and C.-C. Lo, Biomedical Engineering Technical Applications in Medicine, Chapter 17: Wideband Wireless Power Transmission to Enhance Efficiency for Low Input Power for Biomedical Applications, ISBN 980-953-307-203-1, July 2012.(Download > 2000 times)
  49. (Book Chapter) Eric Y. Chow, Chin-Lung Yang, Pedro P. Irazoqui; and William J. Chappell, Wireless Power Transfer, Chapter 9: Wireless Powering and Propagation of Radio Frequencies through Tissue, River Publishers, Denmark, ISBN978-87-92329-23-3, July 2012. (invited) (Book Chapter).
  50. (Book Chapter) C.-L. Yang and C.-S. Lee, Ultra Wideband Communications: Novel Trends / Book 2, Chapter 17: Reconfigurable Antennas of Wide Tuning Ranges and Controllable Selectivity Using Matching Networks, ISBN: 978-953-307-452-8, INTECH Open Access, Croatia, July 2011. (Book Chapter).
  51. (Book) C. L. Yang, Localization and Angular Diversity Using Adaptable Physical Layer Interfaces for Wireless Sensor Networks, PhD Dissertation, School of ECE, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, 2007.
  52. Principal Investigator – Sub-project: C. -L. Yang, “Batteryless Wireless Pushbottom Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Switches, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2014 Annual Technique Report (NPIE Project, MOST 103-2220-E-006 -003), Apr. 2015.
  53. Co-Principal Investigator – Project: K.-C. Young, H.-L. Hsieh, S.-J. Huang, P.-C. Chen, H.-P. Cheng, C. -L. Yang, “Optical based whole blood coagulatmet biochip: develpoment medical applications,” Ministry of Science and Technology, 2014 Annual Technique Report for the University and Industry Liaison Cooperation Project, (103-2622-B-006 -007 -CC2), Jan. 2015.
  54. Principal Investigator – Project: C.-L. Tsai, C. -L. Yang, “NFC (Near Field Communication) Antenna Design”, Weltrend Company, 2014 Annual Technique Report for the University and Industry Liaison Cooperation Project, July 2014.
  55. Principal Investigator – Sub-project: C. -L. Yang, “Batteryless Wireless Pushbottom Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Switches, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2014 Annual Technique Report (NPIE Project, MOST 102-2220-E-006 -018), Apr. 2014.
  56. Principal Investigator – Project: C. -L. Yang, “Flexible Microwave Circuit Investigation and Compact Wideband Antenna Design,” National Science Council Annual Technique Report (NSC 101-2221-E-006 -005 -MY2), Jul. 2013.
  57. Principal Investigator – Project: C. -L. Yang, “Investigation of High Efficient Multi-Fold Roaming Wireless Power Transmission on Biomedical Implants,” National Science Council Annual Technique Report (NSC 100-2221-E-006-088), Jan. 2013.
  58. Co-Principal Investigator – Project: K.-C. Young, S.-J. Huang, C. -L. Yang, “Development of coagulation biochip and its applications,” National Science Council Annual Technique Report for the University and Industry Liaison Cooperation Project (NSC 100-2622-B-006-005-CC1), Sep. 2012.
  59. C.-L. Tsai, C.-S. Lee, C.-L. Yang, the Study Abroad Report of Research and Exchange Abroad in Top Universities, from 101-year MOE Award (Oversea Dream Fulfilling Project), Sep. 2012.
  60. Principal Investigator – Project: C. -L. Yang, “Development of Wireless Interface on Low Invasive Biological Monitoring Systems for Remote Health Care,” National Science Council Annual Technique Report (NSC 99-2221-E-006-045), Oct. 2011.
  61. C.-L. Tsai, Y. L. Yang, C.-L. Yang, the Study Abroad Report of Research and Exchange Abroad in Top Universities, from 100-year MOE Award (Oversea Dream Fulfilling Project), Sep. 2011.
  62. Principal Investigator – Project: C. -L. Yang, “Design of Fully Reconfigurable Radio for WBAN Smart Nodes,” National Science Council Annual Technique Report (NSC 98-2221-E-006-084), Oct. 2010.
  63. J.-L. Chiang, S. H. Chen, C.-L. Yang, the Study Abroad Report of Research and Exchange Abroad in Top Universities, from 99-year MOE Award (Oversea Dream Fulfilling Project), Sep. 2010.
  64. Co-Principal Investigator – Project: K.-C. Yang, C.-L. Yang, H. M. Fang, “Validation of Blood Coagulation and Allergen Bio-Chip Systems with Clinical Samples,” Annual Technique Report for the University and Industry Liaison Cooperation Project, Aug. 2010.
  65. Principal Investigator – Project: C. -L. Yang, “Impulsive Biomedical Wireless Powering Devices,” National Science Council Annual Technique Report (NSC 98-2218-E-006-007), Nov. 2009.
  66. C. -L. Yang, S. Bagchi, and W. J. Chappell, “The Network Performance of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Intelligent Semi-Directional Antenna Packages,” 2007 Nationals Science Foundation Annual Technique Report., Jul. 2007.
  67. C. -L. Yang, “Developing WiMAX Simulations,” Delphi Electronics & Safety Technical Report, Apr. 2007.
  68. C. -L. Yang, “Link Budget for WiMAX,” Delphi Electronics & Safety Technical Report, Mar. 2007.
  69. C. -L. Yang, “Mobile WiMAX Study Report (2) — Receiver Architectures,” Delphi Electronics & Safety Technical Report, Feb. 2007.
  70. C. -L. Yang, “Mobile WiMAX Study Report (1) — Overview,” Delphi Electronics & Safety Technical Report, Feb. 2007.
  71. C.-L. Yang, J. F. Mastarone, S. Bagchi, and W. J. Chappell, “Intelligent Directional Antenna Package for Wireless Sensor Networks,” 2004 Nationals Science Foundation Annual Technique Report, Jul. 2005.
  72. C.-L. Yang, J. F. Mastarone, and W. J. Chappell, "RF Diversity Techniques for Sensor Networks," 2004 Nationals Science Foundation Annual Technique Report, Jul. 2004.
  73. C. -L. Yang, “The Multi-User Detection Interference Cancellation,” ITRI Technical Report, Jul. 2001.
  74. C. -L. Yang, “The Channel Estimation for UTRA TDD,” ITRI Technical Report, Jul. 2001.
  75. C. -L. Yang, “The Interference in UTRA TDD,” ITRI Technical Report, Jun. 2001.
  1. 非穩雜波干擾下隨機運動之多目標生理訊號雷達的研發,111/08/01-113/07/31
  2. 高靈敏微波感測器於喉音振動偵測之探究(109-2221-E-006-189-MY3), 109/08/01 - 112/07/31
  3. 具智慧無限穿戴式系統--總計畫(含子計畫一):生理訊號模組製作與人工智慧軟體平台設計(1/3) (107-2514-S-006-008) , 107/07/01-108/09/30
  4. 高靈敏穿戴式微波感測器以偵測生理訊號(108-2918-I-006) , 108/06/27-109/02/27
  5. 微波生理感測器增強靈敏度技術研發(108-2221-E-006-169) , 108/08/01-109/07/31
  6. 主持人 - 前瞻互補式裂隙環形諧振環感測器於微流體檢測及生醫訊號量測之研製(106-2221-E-006-011-MY2), 106/08/01 - 108/07/31
  7. 主持人 - 高靈敏度平面共振式微波感測器關鍵技術開發 (105-2221-E-006-037-MY3), 105/08/01 - 108/07/31
  8. 共同主持人 - 具綠能獵能器之能源自主無線傳訊系統--總計畫暨子計畫三:高效能光能獵能器(3/3) (104-2220-E-006 -001), 104/05/01- 105/04/30
  9. 主持人 - 免電池無線按扣壓電獵能開關 (3/3) (104-2220-E-006-002), 104/05/01- 105/04/30
  10. 共同主持人 - 光學式全血生物晶片及凝血儀之開發與醫學應用(2/2) (104-2622-B-006 -012 -CC2) , 104/02/01 - 105/01/31
  11. 用於量測生物組織介電性質之微波非侵入檢測系統(104-2918-I-006 -022), 104/07/01 - 105/01/31
  12. 共同主持人 - 光學式全血生物晶片及凝血儀之開發與醫學應用(1/2) [多年期] (103-2622-B-006 -007 -CC2) , 103/02/01- 104/01/31
  13. 主持人 - NFC (Near Field Communication)天線設計 , 101/08/01- 103/07/31
  14. 共同主持人 - 具綠能獵能器之能源自主無線傳訊系統--總計畫暨子計畫三:高效能光能獵能器(2/3) (103-2220-E-006 -002) , 103/05/01- 104/04/30
  15. 主持人 - 免電池無線按扣壓電獵能開關 (2/3)(103-2220-E-006 -003) , 103/05/01- 104/04/30
  16. 共同主持人 - 具綠能獵能器之能源自主無線傳訊系統--總計畫暨子計畫三:高效能光能獵能器(1/3)(102-2220-E-006-017) , 102/05/01- 103/04/30
  17. 主持人 - 免電池無線按扣壓電獵能開關 (1/3) (102-2220-E-006 -018) , 102/05/01- 103/04/30
  18. 主持人 - 軟性微波電路探討與微型寬頻天線設計(101-2221-E-006-005-MY2) , 101/08/01- 103/07/31
  19. 主持人 - 多重高效率漫遊式無線傳能於生醫植入裝置之研究(100-2221-E-006-088) , 100/08/01- 101/07/31
  20. 共同主持人 - 血液凝固生物晶片之開發與應用(2/2) (預核) (100-2622-B-006-005-CC1) , 100/08/01- 101/07/31
  21. 主持人 - 低侵入式無線生理訊號量測系統研製(大專生專題) , 100/08/01- 101/03/31
  22. 主持人 - 用於遠距照護之低侵入式生理監測系統無線介面之開發(99-2221-E-006-045) , 99/08/01- 100/07/31
  23. 共同主持人 - 血液凝固生物晶片之開發與應用(1/2) (預核) (99-2622-B-006-002-CC1) , 99/08/01- 100/07/31
  24. 主持人 - 無線近身網路智慧節點之全方位可重組化無線電設計(98-2221-E-006-084) , 98/08/01- 99/07/31
  25. 共同主持人 - 凝血及過敏生物晶片系統之開發 (產學合作計畫) , 98/08/01- 99/07/31
  26. 主持人 - 脈衝式生醫無線供電裝置(98-2218-E-006-007) , 98/03/01- 98/10/01
105 學年度下學期
104 學年度下學期
本學年度 實驗室成員
吳智光 博士
陳啟鈞 博士   蔡奇霖 博士
李杰森 博士   張文穎 博士
陳冠維 博士
陳盛豪    李杰森
江杰倫    楊育林    邱彥超   范銘倫
黃志宏    周于哲    余紹萍    鄭國村    張世杰
楊景文    陳柏安    許家華    陳仕恩
陳家賢   陳彥儒
葉怡伶   王友人   張仲凱   陳冠州
吳東霖   許家銘
張大中   張瑋芳   余道承
黃威翔   陳佳暉   詹博凱   方冠唯
鍾佳熙   張中澤   余中恩
曾文滔   李明鴻   吳冠儒   何昀叡   王耀輝   黃敬堯
林揚証   林凱尉
吳秉蒼   李柏廷   曾冠集   陳禹均   楊景文   郭威志   陳丁源   周佑穎   林俊叡
  1. Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, 2020
  2. 指導詹博凱碩士生畢業論文榮獲108年度中國電機工程學會(CIEE)最佳碩士論文獎,2019
  3. 榮獲108年度傑出電機工程教授獎, 中國電機工程學會高雄市分會,2019/05
  4. 指導詹博凱碩士生獲國際微波會議(IEEE IMS)學生論文競賽入圍決選(~20/400),2019
  5. 擔任IEEE Tainan Section理事
  6. 領導之無線創新系統電磁應用實驗室榮獲電資學院前1%最佳實驗室,2019/07
  7. 榮獲第六屆電磁聯盟(TEMIAC)傑出講座,2019/01
  8. 指導詹博凱碩士生獲 中國電機工程學會 之 “青年論文獎” 殊榮 (2019)
  9. 指導許家銘碩士生通過, 106-109AP-US1“微波流速計與流速量測方法”美國發明專利證書 (2019)
  10. 擔任IEEE Tainan Section祕書長(2018/1/1-2019/12/31)
  11. 擔任台灣電磁產學聯盟傑出講座 (2018)
  12. Wireless Circuits and Systems: FM Telemetry Devices發表於Handbook of Biochips (2018)
  13. 指導學生張大中通過2018優質專利徵選活動『高靈敏主動式微波感測器應用互調倍增技術』
  14. 指導學生陳冠維通過,103-128AP-US1“PIEZOELECTRIC ENERGY HARVESTER”美國發明專利證書 (2018)
  15. 榮獲第十六屆有庠科技論文獎,2018/07
  16.  榮獲第十七屆旺宏金矽獎設計組銀獎得獎指導教授獎,2017/07
  17. 擔任台灣電磁產學聯盟傑出講座 (2017)
  18. 指導學生李杰森通過,104-061BP-TW1“非接觸式平面微波量測元件及其量測方法”中華民國發明專利證書 (2017)
  19. 通過科技部二年期計畫:前瞻互補式裂隙環形諧振環感測器於微流體檢測及生醫訊號量測之研製 (2017)
  20. 指導學生陳冠維、余道承與鄭光偉老師、張勝凱、陳仕恩合作以『使用綠能獵能器之能源自主無線收發機』獲2017金矽獎銀獎
  21. Ministry of Science and Technology National Program for Intelligent Electronics (NPIE) program , Outstanding Award, 2016.
  22. 16th Golden Silicon Awards, Wining Award , 2016.
  23. Visiting Professor in University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 2015.
  24. Dissertation Advisor Award (3rd place) (PhD student: Chi-Chun Chen), Taiwan Engineering Medicine Biology Association, 2015.
  25. Teaching Excellence Award (優良教師), College of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, 2014.
  26. Future Star Project Award, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), National Cheng Kung University, 2013.
  27. Best GOLD Member Award, IEEE Tainan Section, Dec. 2012.
  28. Research team (iFEELING) won the Intelligent Electronics CONTEST in the third place (out of 152 teams) in 2013.
  29. Thesis Advisor Award (1st place) (master student: Yu-Lin Yang), Lam Research Thesis and Dissertation Award, 2012.
  30. Thesis Advisor Award (master student: Yu-Lin Yang), Thesis Award, TIEEE 2012.
  31. Thesis Advisor Award (master student: Yen-Chiao Chiou, Yu-Lin Yang), Thesis Award, TACE 2012.
  32. Best Paper Award (student: Shao-Ping Yu), International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, 2012.
  33. "Portable Blood Coagulation Detector Based on Optical and Impedance Method,” Texas Instrument (TI) DSP & MCU Competition (Finalist over 270), 2012.
  34. Pilot Overseas Internship (學海築夢) Grant (Students: Chieh-Sen Lee and Chi-Lin Tsai), Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan, 2012
  35. Intelligent Electronics Innovation Application (third place in medical electronics group) (total 261 teams), MOE Consortium of NPIE Innovative Electronics Design and Applications, 2012
  36. Pilot Overseas Internship (學海築夢) Grant (Students: Chi-Lin Tsai, Chieh-Sen Lee, Jin-Wen Yang), Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan, 2011
  37. Pilot Overseas Internship (學海築夢) Grant (Students: Shen-Hao Chen, Chieh-Lun Chiang), Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan, 2010
  38. Grant Supported Project from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan since 2008-present
  39. Reviewer of IEEE journals: Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT), Electron Device Letters (EDL), Microwave and Wireless Components (MWCL), Transactions on Circuits and Systems II (TCAS-II), IEEE/NIH LIfe Science, ystems and Applications (LISSA)
  40. Reviewer of Non-IEEE journals:Public Library of Science (PLOS), Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER), Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (JEMWA), Elsevier Measurement, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE), Elsevier's Computer Communications Journal, International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet), Biomedical Engineering-Applications, Basis and Communications, MDPI Sensors, Microelectronics Journal (MEJ), International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology (AUSMT), International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC)