國立成功大學電機工程學系 教師個人頁面
English Version
黃仁暐 教授
06-2757575 ext.62347
2022/02 ~ current
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine: Associate Editor
IEEE Tainan Section CIS Chapter: Chair
IEEE CIS High School Outreach committee
2018/07 ~ 2022/01
中華民國人工智慧學會 TAAI 理事
Visiting Scholar,Big Data and Social Computing Lab led by Prof. Philip S. Yu, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
Visiting Scholar,IBM Almaden Research Center
  • 資料探勘、機器學習(Data mining, machine learning)
  • 社群網路分析(Social Network Analysis)
  • 時空間資料探勘(Spatio-temporal Data Mining)
  • 多媒體資訊檢索(Multimedia Information Retrieval)
  • 金融科技與生物醫學資訊(Fintech & Bioinformatics)
期刊論文( Journal )
  1. J.-W. Huang, P.-J. Lee and B. P. Jaysawal, "Multi-Scale Control Chart Pattern Recognition using Histogram-Based Representation of Value and Zero-Crossing Rate," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , Vol. 69, Issue 1, 684-693, 2022(January). (SCI IF=7.515)
  2. P.-Y. Wong, H.-J. Su, H.-Y. Lee, Y.-C. Chen, Y.-P. Hsiao, J.-W. Huang, T.-A. Teo, C.-D. Wu and John D. Spengler, "Using land-use machine learning models to estimate daily NO2 concentration variations in Taiwan," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 317, 128411, 2021(July)
  3. J.-W. Huang, P.-J. Lee and B. P. Jaysawal, "Multi-Scale Control Chart Pattern Recognition using Histogram-Based Representation of Value and Zero-Crossing Rate," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , accepted, 2020. (SCI IF=7.515)
  4. J.-W. Huang, B. P. Jaysawal and C.-C. Wang, "Mining Full, Inner and Tail Periodic Patterns with Perfect, Imperfect and Asynchronous Periodicity Simultaneously," Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery , 35(4), 1225-1257, 2021(June). (SCI IF=2.629)
  5. P.-Y. Wong, C.-Y. Hsu, J.-Y. Wu, T.-A. Teo, J.-W. Huang, H.-R. Guo, H.-J. Su, C.-D. Wu and John D. Spengler, "Incorporating Land-Use Regression into Machine Learning Algorithms in Estimating the Spatial-Temporal Variation of Carbon Monoxide in Taiwan," Environmental Modelling and Software , Vol. 139, 104996, 2021(May). (SCI IF=4.807)
  6. H.-S. Ma, S.-C. Li, Z.-J. Jian, Y.-H. Kuo, J.-W. Huang, "Local Community Detection by Local Structure Expansion and Exploring the Local Communities for Target Nodes in Complex Networks," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 37 No. 3, pp. 499-511, 2021(May). (SCI IF=0.541)
  7. J.-W. Huang, M.-X. Zhong and B. P. Jaysawal, "TADILOF: Time Aware Density-based Incremental Local Outlier Detection in Data Streams," Sensors , Vol. 20, No. 20:5829, 2020. (SCI IF=3.275)
  8. Y.-H. Ke, J.-W. Huang, W.-C. Lin and B. P. Jaysawal, "Finding Possible Promoter Binding Sites in DNA Sequences by Sequential Patterns Mining with Specific Numbers of Gaps," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2020. (SCI IF=2.896)
  9. C.-L. Liu, S.-W. Fu , Y.-J. Li, J.-W. Huang , H.-M. Wang, and Y. Tsao, "Multichannel Speech Enhancement by Raw Waveform-Mapping Using Fully Convolutional Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 28, pp. 1888-1900, 2020(June). (SCI IF=3.531)
  10. J.-W. Huang, Y.-B. Wu and B. P. Jaysawal , "On Mining Progressive Positive and Negative Sequential Patterns Simultaneously," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 36 No. 1, pp. 145-169, 2020. (SCI IF=0.327)
  11. J.-W. Huang, B. P. Jaysawal, K.-Y. Chen, and Y.-B. Wu, "Mining Frequent and Top-K High Utility Time Interval-based Events with Duration Patterns," Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 61, pp. 1331–1359, 2019(December). (SCI IF=2.247) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10115-019-01333-6
  12. J.-W. Huang, H.-S. Ma, C.-C. Chung, and Z.-J. Jian, "Unknown but Interesting Recommendation Using Social Penetration," Soft Computing, Vol. 23, Issue 16, pp 7249–7262, 2019(August). (SCI IF=2.367) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3371-y
  13. W.-Y. Tseng, K.-H. Chen, and J.-W. Huang, "Crowdsourced Object-labeling Based on a Game-based Mobile Application," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, Issue 13, pp 18137–18168, 2019(July). (SCI IF=1.541) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11042-018-6944-y
  14. B. P. Jaysawal, J.-W. Huang, "DMHUPS: Discovering Multiple High Utility Patterns Simultaneously," Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 59, Issue 2, pp 337–359, 2019(May). (SCI Impact factor: 2.247)
  15. B. P. Jaysawal, and J.-W. Huang, "PSP-AMS: Progressive mining of Sequential Patterns Across Multiple Streams," ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Vol. 13 Issue 1, Article No. 5, 2019(January). (SCI IF=1.489)
  16. J.-W. Huang, C.-W. Chiang and J.-W. Chang, "Email Security Level Classification of Imbalanced Data Using Artificial Neural Network: The Real Case in a World-leading Enterprise," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 75, pp. 11-21, 2018. (SCI IF=2.819)
  17. P.-W. Soh, J.-W. Chang, and J.-W. Huang, "Adaptive Deep Learning-based Air Quality Prediction Model Using the Most Relevant Spatial-Temporal Relations," IEEE Access, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 38186-38199, 2018(December). (SCI IF=3.244)
  18. S.-H. Fang, H.-H. Liao, Y.-X. Fei, K.-H. Chen, J.-W. Huang, Y.-D. Lu and Y. Tsao, "Transportation Modes Classification Using Sensors on Smartphones," Sensors, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 1324, 2016. (SCI Impact factor: 2.677)
  19. J.-W. Huang, K.-Y. Chen, Y.-C. Chen, K.-N. Yang, I.-S. Hwang, and W.-C. Huang, "A Novel Spatial Tag Cloud Using Multi-Level Clustering," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 687-700, 2014(May). (SCI Impact factor: 0.468)
  20. Y.-H. Chu, J.-W. Huang, K.-T. Chuang, D.-N. Yang, and M.-S. Chen, "Density Conscious Subspace Clustering for High-Dimensional Data," IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 16-30, 2010(January). (SCI Impact factor:3.438)
  21. J.-W. Huang, C.-Y. Tseng, J.-C. Ou, and M.-S. Chen, "A General Model for Sequential Pattern Mining with a Progressive Database," IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 1153-1167, 2008(September). (SCI Impact factor:3.438)
  22. Y.-H. Wen, J.-W. Huang, and M.-S. Chen, "Hardware-Enhanced Association Rule Mining with Hashing and Pipeling," IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 784-795, 2008(June). (SCI Impact factor:3.438)
  23. J.-W. Huang, B.-R. Dai, and M.-S. Chen, "Twain: Two-End Association Miner with Precise Frequent Exhibition Periods," ACM Trans. on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2007(August). (SCI Impact factor:1.895)
  24. B.-R. Dai, J.-W. Huang, M.-Y. Yeh, and M.-S. Chen, "Adaptive Clustering for Multiple Evolving Streams," IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 1166-1180, 2006(September). (SCI Impact factor:3.438)
會議論文( Conference )
  1. C.-L. Chang, S.-C. Li and J.-W. Huang, "Ensemble2Net: Learning from Ensemble Teacher Networks via Knowledge Transfer," 2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI'21) , pp. , Dec. 04-07, 2021.
  2. J.-W. Wang, K.-S. Chen and J.-W. Huang, "HAEE: Question Classification Using Hierarchical Intra-Attention Enhancement Encoder," Proc. of Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI'21), pp. , Nov. 18-20, 2021.
  3. T.-W. Chuang, Z.-Y. Zheng, T.-H. Chien, K.-S. Chen, Y.-C. Yen and J.-W. Huang, "EFUNet: Enhanced Feature-based Image Colorization with Generative Adversarial Networks," Proc. of Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI'21), pp. , Nov. 18-20, 2021.
  4. F.-Y. Liu, S.-C. Li and J.-W. Huang, "Forming a Team of Cost-effective and Well-collaborated Experts in Social Networks Based on Hierarchical Skill Model," The 2021 IEEE/ACM Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2021), pp. , Nov. 08-11, 2021.
  5. H.-S. Ma, and J.-W. Huang, "User Preference Translation Model for Next Top-k Items Recommendation with Social Relations," The 26th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA'21), pp. , Apr. 11-14, 2021. (PhD Consortium)
  6. H.-S. Ma, and J.-W. Huang, "User Preference Translation Model for Recommendation System with Item Influence Diffusion Embedding," The 2020 IEEE/ACM Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM'20), pp. , Dec. 7-10, 2020. (Acceptance rate=21%)
  7. C.-E. Sung, H.-S. Ma, and J.-W. Huang, "Positive Influence Maximization and Negative Influence Minimization in Signed Networks under Competitive Independent Cascade Model," The 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics(DSAA'20), pp. , Oct. 6-9, 2020.
  8. Bijay P. Jaysawal, and J.-W. Huang, "SOHUPDS: A Single-pass One-phase Algorithm for Mining High Utility Patterns over a Data Stream," The 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC'20), pp. , Mar. 30-Apr. 3, 2020. (Acceptance rate=24.48%)
  9. Z.-J. Jian, H.-S. Ma, and J.-W. Huang, "CLOSE: Local Community Detection by LOcal Structure Expansion in a Complex Network," Proc. of Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI'19), pp. , Nov. 21-23, 2019. (Excellent Paper Award)
  10. I.-C. Lin, J.-W. Huang and K.-H. Chen, "Improving the Vocabulary Learning by Personalized Proficiency," The 2019 International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (Ubi-Media 2019), pp. , Aug. 6-9, 2019.
  11. S.-H. Tai, H.-S. Ma, C.-K. Chou and J.-W. Huang, "Social Influence Prediction by a Community-based Convolutional Neural Network," The 33rd Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2019), pp. , Jun. 4-7, 2019.
  12. C.-L. Lee, C.-E. Sung, H.-S. Ma, and J.-W. Huang, "IDR: Positive Influence Maximization and Negative Influence Minimization under Competitive Linear Threshold Model," International Workshop on Mobile Data Management, Mining, and Computing on Social Networks (MobiSocial 2019) in conjunction with the 20th IEEE Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2019), pp. , Jun. 10-13, 2019.
  13. H.-Y. Wang, J.-W. Chang, and J.-W. Huang, "User Intention-based Document Summarization on Heterogeneous Sentence Networks," 24th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2019), pp. , Apr. 22-25, 2019.
  14. Edo Zezario, J.-W. Huang, Xugang Lu, Yu Tsao, H.-T. Hwang, H.-M. Wang, "Deep Denoising Autoencoder-based Post Filtering for Speech Enhancement," Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2018), pp. , Nov. 12-15, 2018.
  15. T.-H. Yang, H.-S. Ma and J.-W. Huang, "DNA: General Deterministic Network Adaptive Framework for Multi-Round Multi-Party Influence Maximization," The 2018 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA'18), pp. , Oct. 1-4, 2018.(Acceptance rate:%)
  16. W.-C. Hsin, and J.-W. Huang, "Multi-dependent Latent Dirichlet Allocation," Proc. of Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI'17), pp. , Dec. 1-3, 2017.
  17. C.-W. Yang, Bijay P. Jaysawal, and J.-W. Huang, "Subsequence Search Considering Duration and Relations of Events in Time Interval-based Events Sequences," The 2017 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA'17), pp. , 2017. (Acceptance rate:25.0%)
  18. P.-W. Soh, K.-H. Chen, J.-W. Huang and H.-J. Chu, "Spatial-temporal Pattern Analysis and Prediction of Air Quality in Taiwan," The 2017 International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMedia 2017), pp. , Aug. 1-4, 2017.
  19. W.-Y. Tseng, K.-H. Chen, and J.-W. Huang, "An Effective Object Recognition System by a Mobile Application," The 1st International Workshop on Multimedia and IoT: Networks, Systems and Applications (MIOT 2017), in conjunction with The 10th International Conference on Ubi-media Computing, pp. , Aug. 1-4, 2017.
  20. T.-J. Wu, S.-H. Fang, Y.-B. Wu, C.-T. Wu, J.-W. Huang, and Y. Tsao, "A Study of Mobile Advertisement Recommendation Using Real Big Data From AdLocus," The 5th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2016), Oct, 2016
  21. Y.-B. Wu, J.-W. Huang and Bijay P. Jaysawal, "Mining Positive and Negative Sequential Patterns in a Progressive Database," The 2016 International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMedia’16), pp. , Aug. 15-17, 2016.
  22. S.-H. Fang, H.-H. Liao, Y.-X. Fei, Y. Tsao and J.-W. Huang, "Transportation Modes Classification Using Sensors on Smartphones," International Conference on Applied System Innovation, May, 2016
  23. Y.-X. Fei, J.-Y. Chen, S.-H. Fang, Y. Tsao, J.-W. Huang and Bo-Wei Liang, "Advertisement-Click Prediction Based on Mobile Big Data from HyXen AdLocus," International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation, Jun., 2016
  24. S.-Y. Ku, K.-H. Chen, J.-W. Huang and Y. Tsao, "Image Retrieval Using Color-Aware Tag on Progressive Image Search and Recommendation System," The 22nd International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM"16), pp., Jan. 04-06, 2016.
  25. C.-C. Chang, C.-L. Chen, C.-W. Lin, J.-W. Huang and C.-S. Yang, "The Analysis of User Behavior and Relationship on Bulletin Board System," Proc. of Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2015), pp. 381-387, Nov. 20-22, 2015
  26. C.-C. Chen, T.-Y. Chen, J.-W. Huang and M.-S. Chen, "Reducing Communication and Merging Overheads for Distributed Clustering Algorithms on the Cloud," International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data (CCBD"15), pp., Nov. 04-06, 2015. (Best paper nominated)
  27. Y.-C. Chen, H.-S. Ma and J.-W. Huang, "Multi-state Open Opinion Model based on Positive and Negative Social Influences," The 2015 IEEE/ACM Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2015), pp., Aug. 25-28, 2015. (Acceptance rate:18.0%)
  28. Y.-H. Ke, S.-C. Li, J.-W. Huang and F.-Y. Liu, "Reconstructing Dynamic Social Network by Choosing Local Maximum Degree Substitute," The 2015 IEEE/ACM Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2015), pp., Aug. 25-28, 2015.
  29. W.-C. Hsin, J.-Y. Shen, S.-C. Li, Y.-H. Ke, J.-W. Huang, “An Introduction to Framework of Security Event Capturing and Tracking”, The 2015 International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMedia’15), pp., Aug. 24-26, 2015.
  30. K.-Y. Chen, B. P. Jaysawal J.-W. Huang, Y.-B. Wu, "Mining Frequent Time Interval-based Event with Duration Patterns from Temporal Database," The 2014 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA"14), pp. , Oct. 30 - Nov. 01, 2014. (Acceptance rate:18.0%)
  31. W.-Y. Tseng, K.-H. Chen, D. Gankhuu, J.-W. Huang, "On Predicting Dependent Earthquakes Using Spatial and Temporal Relations," Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (ICEAS"14), pp. , July 22-24, 2014.
  32. K.-H. Chen, C.-R. Wu, Y.-L. Yang, J.-W. Huang, T.-Y. Ho, "Efficient Building Identification Using Structural and Spatial Information on Mobile Devices," The 1st International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Computing (MMC"14), joint with IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo., pp. , July 14-18, 2014.
  33. B. P. Jaysawal, J.-W. Huang, "Mining Frequent Progressive Usage Patterns across Multiple Mobile Broadcasting Channels," The 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Data Management, Mining, and Computing on Social Networks, joint with The 18th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD"14), pp. , May. 13-16, 2014.
  34. H.-S. Ma, J.-W. Huang, "CUT: Community Update and Tracking in Dynamic Social Networks," The 7th Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis (SNA-KDD"13) joint with the 19th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD"13), pp. 6:1--6:8 , Aug. 11-14, 2013.
  35. Vincent S. Tseng, H.-Y. Kao, K.-T. Chuang, J.-W. Huang, Y.-F. Lin, B.-H. Lin, C. Fang, Y.-T. Tang, B.-H. Chen, S.-H. Huang and H.-S. Ma, "A Novel Framework for Integrated Database and Data Analytics Services on Health Insurance Data," Proc. of Conference on Medical Innovation and Computing Service (MICS"13), pp. , Aug. 3-4, 2013.
  36. C.-H. Tai, J.-W. Huang, M.-H. Chung, "Privacy Preserving Frequent Pattern Mining on Multi-Cloud Environment,"Proc. of International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST"13), pp. , Jul. 2-5, 2013.
  37. K.-N. Yang, W.-J. Hunag, J.-W. Huang, I.-S. Hwang, "Multi-level Interactive Tag Cloud Using Clustering Scheme," Proc. of Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2012), pp.232-237 , Nov. 16-18, 2012.
  38. W.-H. Du, J.-W. Rau, J.-W. Huang, Y.-S. Chen, "Improving the Quality of Tags Using State Transition on Progressive Image Search and Recommendation System," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC"12), pp.3233-3238 , Oct. 14-17, 2012.
  39. J.-L. Duan, Shashi Prasad, J.-W. Huang, "Discovering Unknown but Interesting Items in Personal Social Network," Proc. of the 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD"12), pp. 145-156, May 29-Jun. 1, 2012.
  40. J.-W. Huang, J.-W. Su and M.-S. Chen, "FISIP: A Distance and Correlation Preserving Transformation for Privacy Preserving Data Mining," Proc. of Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2011) (Best Paper Award), pp. 101-106, Nov. 11-13, 2011.
  41. J.-W. Huang, C.-Y. Tseng, M.-C. Chen, and M.-S. Chen, "PISAR: Progressive Image Search and Recommendation System by Auto-interpretation and User Behavior," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC"11), pp. 1442-1447, Oct. 9-12, 2011.
  42. Y.-H. Hong, J.-W. Huang, and M.-S. Chen, "GroupBuyer: A Personalized Group Buying Event Recommender System Using Social Information Filtering," 2011 International Workshop on Behavior Informatics (BI 2011) joint with the 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD"11), May 24, 2011.
  43. J.-W. Huang, S.-C. Lin and M.-S. Chen, "DPSP: Distributed Progressive Sequential Pattern Mining on the Cloud,"" Proc. of the 14th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD"10), pp. 27-34, Jun. 21-24, 2010.
  44. B. Alexe, M. Gubanov, M. A. Hernandez, H. Ho, J.-W. Huang, Y. Katsis, L. Popa, B. Saha, and I. Stanoi, "Simplifying Information Integration: Object-Based Flow-of-Mappings Framework for Integration," Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Business Intelligence for the Real Time Enterprise (BIRTE 2008) in conjunction with the VLDB 2008 , Aug. 24, 2008 .
  45. C.-Y. Tseng, J.-W. Huang, and M.-S. Chen, "ProMail: Using Progressive Email Social Network for Spam Detection," Proc. of the 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD"07), pp. 833-840, May 22-25, 2007 .
  46. J.-W. Huang, C.-Y. Tseng, J.-C. Ou, and M.-S. Chen, "On Progressive Sequential Pattern Mining," Proc. of the ACM 15th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM"06), pp. 850-851, Nov. 6-11, 2006 .
  47. Y.-H. Chu, J.-W. Huang, K.-T. Chuang, and M.-S. Chen, "On Subspace Clustering with Density Consciousness," Proc. of the ACM 15th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM"06), pp. 804-805, Nov. 6-11, 2006 .
  48. H.-P. Hung, J.-W. Huang, J.-L. Huang and M.-S. Chen, "Scheduling Dependent Items in Data Broadcasting Environment," Proc. of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC"06), Bourgogne University, Dijon, France, pp. 1177-1181, Apr. 23-27, 2006.
  49. B.-R. Dai, J.-W. Huang, M.-Y. Yeh, and M.-S. Chen, "Clustering on Demand for Multiple Data Streams," Proc. of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM"04), pp. 367-370, Brighton, UK, Nov. 1-4, 2004.
  50. J.-Y. Shen, H.-S. Ma, Z.-J. Jian, W.-C. Hsin, W.-B. Wu, J.-W. Huang, X.-Y. Yeh, "識別線上社群網路之Top-k重要影響者," Proc. of Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2014), Nov. 21-23, 2014.
  51. C.-Y. Lin, G. L. Liu, I.-S. Hwang, J.-W. Huang, "利用GPS 車載資訊於雲端即時路況系統," Proc. of Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2012), Nov. 16-18, 2012.
  1. J.-W. Huang(黃仁暐), "智能交通理論與實踐(繁體版)," 台科大圖書 , July, 2021.
  2. J.-W. Huang, M.-X. Zhong and B. P. Jaysawal, "TADILOF: Time Aware Density-based Incremental Local Outlier Detection in Data Streams," Smart Sensors and Devices in Artificial Intelligence , MDPI, pp. 301-325, April, 2021.
  3. J.-W. Huang(黃仁暐), and Y.-L. Tu(涂益郎), "和AI做朋友-從0開始學AI(教材&教案)," Ministry of Education, Taiwan (教育部), August, 2019.
  4. Y.-H. Hong, J.-W. Huang, and M.-S. Chen, "P-SERS: Personalized Social Event Recommender System," Behavior Computing: Modeling, Analysis, Mining and Decision, Springer, April, 2012.
  5. Bogdan Alexe, Michael Gubanov, Mauricio A. Hernandez, Howard Ho, Jen-Wei Huang, Yannis Katsis, Lucian Popa, Barna Saha and Ioana Stanoi, "Simplifying Information Integration: Object-Based Flow-of-Mappings Framework for Integration," Invited paper in the book Business Intelligence for the Real Time Enterprise, Springer, pp. 108-121, August 2009.
  6. J.-W. Huang, M.-S. Chen, "雲端運算環境上的資料叢集分析 (Clustering on the Cloud)," 《台灣雲報》, 九月號, 2012.
  7. J.-W. Huang, "漸進式資料庫與漸進式循序樣式探勘演算法之研發," 《工程科技通訊》, 121期, 2012.
  8. J.-W. Huang, "淺談雲端計算," 元智大學電子報, 672期, Oct. 4, 2011.
  1. 108學年度 優秀年輕學者研究計畫 - 基於行程預測及路徑規劃之智慧型先進旅行者資訊系統 (主持人)- 109/08/01 ~ 112/07/31 - MOST 109-2628-E-006-009-MY3
  2. 107學年度 專題研究計畫 - 基於社群推薦應用之通用異質網路節點表示式嵌入學習方法 (主持人)- 107/08/01 ~ 109/07/31 - MOST 107-2221-E-006-205-MY2
  3. 數位經濟計畫 - 智慧機器人與人類共同合作學習於教育學習應用-智慧IRT機器人與人類共同學習於教育學習應用 (共同主持人) - 106/06/01 ~ 107/05/31 - MOST 106-3114-E-024-001
  4. 專題研究計畫(一般型研究計畫) - 建立於Spark平台上之異質串流資料分析及視覺化環境 (共同主持人) - 105/07/01 ~ 106/06/30 - MOST 105-2634-E-006 -001
  5. 105學年度 科技部/環保署空汙防制科技 - 空氣品質時空數據探勘雲端平台建置 - 105/08/08 ~ 106/08/07 - MOST 105-EPA-F-007-004
  6. 105學年度 專題研究計畫 - 漸進式巨量嬰兒哭聲分析系統-於嬰兒生理、心理、病理狀況判讀- 105/08/01 ~ 107/07/31 - MOST 105-2221-E-006-212-MY2
  7. 104學年度 專題研究計畫 - 雲端平行化之有效區域社群檢測演算法之研發- 104/08/01 ~ 105/07/31 - MOST 104-2221-E-006-203
  8. 104學年度 大專生參與專題研究計畫 - 分散式物件導向自動標籤之漸近式圖片搜尋及推薦系統的研發- 104/07/01 ~ 105/02/28 -
  9. 103學年度 專題研究計畫 - 於具有負面影響力之通用社群影響模型上影響最大化與替代點之研究- 103/8/1~104/7/31 - MOST 103-2221-E-006 -202 -
  10. 102學年度 專題研究計畫 - 於動態社群網路中追溯並更新社群結構的社群探勘方法之研究 - 102/08/01 ~ 103/07/31 - NSC 102-2221-E-006-247 -
  11. 101學年度 專題研究計畫 - 雲端漸進式圖片搜尋推薦系統上關聯法則標籤優化與階層式空間視覺模組演算法之研發 - 101/09/01 ~ 102/07/31 - NSC 101-2221-E-155-058
  12. 100學年度 專題研究計畫(提升私校研發能量專案計畫) - 基於人工智慧之合作學習輔助系統 - 100/08/01 ~ 101/07/31 - NSC 100-2632-S-155-001
  13. 100學年度 專題研究計畫 - 於多雲環境下資料傳輸保護與隱私保護之資料探勘技術 - 100/08/01 ~ 101/07/31 - NSC 100-2221-E-155-088
  14. 99學年度 專題研究計畫 - 雲端環境中漸進式圖片搜尋推薦暨物件化自動標籤系統 - 99/08/01 ~ 100/07/31 - NSC 99-2221-E-155 -074
  15. 99學年度 大專生參與專題研究計畫 - 於極端環境下之遠端景物辨識系統 - 99/07/01~ 100/02/28 - NSC 99-2815-C-155 -014-E
  16. 98學年度 專題研究計畫 - 漸進式資料庫與漸進式循序樣式探勘演算法之研發 - 98/11/01 ~ 99/10/31 - NSC 98-2218-E-155 -012
  17. 申豐特用應材 - 人工智慧導入製程優化系統(主持人)- 109/09/01 ~ 110/08/31
  18. 微風數位時代股份有限公司 - 百貨數據AI推薦分析(主持人)-108/01/01 ~ 108/12/31
  19. Oath(Yahoo) - 以圖論及社群網路分析之方法建構之推薦系統(主持人)-107/10/16 ~ 合作備忘錄
  20. 天氣風險公司 - 結合大氣與資料模型之 PM 2.5 預測(主持人)- 107/09/01 ~ 合作備忘錄
  21. 網訊電通股份有限公司 - AI客服對話技術研發(主持人)- 107/12/01 ~ 108/05/31
  22. 永豐金控/Atelier Future - 應用自然語意發展個人理財績效及投顧報告(主持人)- 107/07/01 ~ 108/06/30
  23. 大綜電腦系統股份有限公司(台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司) - Advanced Machine Learning Approaches for Control Chart Pattern Recognition - 106/10/01 ~ 107/09/30
  24. 永豐銀行/Atelier Future - Credit Risk Prediction - 106/09/01 ~ 109/08/31
  25. 日月光 - File 資安等級探勘分析與預測系統開發計畫 - 106/09/01 ~ 107/08/31
  26. 日月光 - Email 資安等級探勘分析與預測系統開發計畫 - 105/08/01 ~ 106/07/31
  27. 資策會 103年度科技專案 - 新形態威脅分析與聯防服務平台開發計畫 - 資安網際情資探勘技術 - 103/05/01 ~ 104/04/15
  28. 行政院科技會報委託國立成功大學與中山大學 - 健康資料加值與應用模式開發先導計畫 - 整合式健康資料管理與分析服務平臺 (共同主持人)- 101/11/01 ~ 102/08/31
  29. 元智大學 98學年度 新進教師研究啟動計畫 - 在雲端運算環境下之漸進式循序樣式探勘演算法 (主持人)- 98/08/01 ~ 99/07/31
本學年度 實驗室成員
Bijay Jaysawal
陳冠穎   陳元章
沈家譽   吳永斌   簡志佳   曾文彥   劉發元
辛韋呈   王維謙   楊鄭緯   戴紹軒
蔣佳紋   柯育豪   蘇評威
楊子欣   王琇薏
張芷菱   宋承恩   顏宏峻   郭祐華   王仁暐
李朋融   鍾孟勳
萬晏寧   黃筱婷   吳宛臻
陳佩昌   葉佩怡   王俐迦   王郁捷
  1. 中國電機工程學會 優秀青年電機工程師獎 2020/12/18
  2. 國立成功大學 108學年度教學優良教師, 2020/09/01
  3. 科技部 優秀年輕學者研究計畫 2020/08/01
  4. 帶領QQAQ團隊獲得民生公共物聯網競賽佳作十萬元獎金, 2019/12/14
  5. 指導學生Bijay P. Jaysawal 獲 TAAI 博士論文獎, 2019/11/22
  6. TAAI 2019 Excellent Paper Award, 2019/11/22
  7. 國立成功大學 106學年度教學優良教師, 2018/09/01
  8. 國立成功大學 104學年度教學優良教師, 2016/09/01
  9. 潘文淵考察研究獎, 2016/07/01
  10. 趨勢科技2012騰雲駕霧應用程式創意大賽, 台灣區佳作(指導教授), 2012/06
  11. 元智大學風起雲湧雲端創意應用競賽, 冠軍(指導教授), 2012/01/31
  12. TAAI 2011, Best Paper Award, 2011/11
  13. 元智大學99學年度服務特優獎, 2011/11
  14. 教育部建國百年開放軟體創作競賽, 佳作(指導教授), 2011/03/28
  15. 國科會千里馬計畫補助獎學金, 2008/03~2009/03
  16. 教育部研究生A類獎學金, 2002/09~2003/06
  17. 國家高速電腦中心程式競賽, 佳作(第七名), 2001 (TV Program Recommendation System and Interface Implementation) 後論文刊登於中國工程師學會期刊