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English Version
施權峰 教授
06-2757575 ext.62398
成功大學高熵科技應用中心 主任
成功大學電機系 教授
成功大學電機系 副教授
成功大學電機系 助理教授
  • 高熵合金材料開發與應用
  • 有機/無機太陽能電池
  • 有機鈣鈦礦光伏元件
  • 有機鈣鈦礦電阻式記憶體
  • 高頻元件模擬
  • CZTS(銅鋅錫硫)薄膜太陽能電池
  • 光電記憶體元件
  • 超晶格矽奈米晶光電元件
  • 陶瓷材料
期刊論文( Journal )
  1. C.-H. Yeh, W.-D. Hsu, B. H. Liu, C.-S. Yang, C.-Y. Kuan, Y.-C. Chang, K.-S. Huang, S.-S. Jhang, C.-Y. Lu, P. K. Liaw and C.-F. Shih, “Low-frequency conductivity of low wear high-entropy alloys,” Nature Communications (Impact Factor: 16.6), vol. 15, no. 1, p. 4554, 2024.
  2. C.-H. Yeh, C.-H. Hu, H.-T. Wu, W.-D. Hsu, B. H.-C. Liu, P. K. Liaw, and C.-F. Shih, “High-entropy alloys as magnetic shielding materials in low-frequency wireless power transmission,” Materials Today Advances (Impact Factor: 8.1), vol. 24, p. 100540, 2024.
  3. Z.-L. Huang, C.-H. Yeh, M.-Y. Wang, V. W.-h. Lau, H.-K. Tian, and C.-F. Shih, “Comprehensive study on phase stability of lead-free Sn-based perovskite FAxMA1-xSnI3,” Materials Today Advances (Impact Factor: 8.1), vol. 24, p. 100534, 2024.
  4. C.-H. Yeh†, H.-C. Hsu†, J.-C. Tsao, H.-T. Wu, C.-T. Wu, T.-P. Lin, S.-H. Wu, and C.-F. Shih, “Suppressing interface defects in perovskite solar cells via introducing a plant-derived ergothioneine self-assembled monolayer,” Materials (Impact Factor: 3.1), vol. 17, no. 23, p. 5739, 2024.
  5. H.-C. Hsu, J.-C. Tsao, C.-H. Yeh, H.-T. Wu, C.-T. Wu, S.-H. Wu, and C.-F. Shih, “Large-Area Perovskite Solar Module Produced by Introducing Self-Assembled L-Histidine Monolayer at TiO2 and Perovskite Interface,” Nanomaterials (Impact Factor: 4.4), vol. 14, no. 15, p. 1315, 2024.
  6. C.-H. Yeh, H.-S. You, Y.-C. Chang, C.-Y. Kuan, H.-T. Wu, W.-D. Hsu, and C.-F. Shih, "Design of high-entropy films as ultra-violet light reflector," Applied Materials Today (Impact Factor: 8.66), vol. 36, p. 102013, 2024.
  7. Y.-H. Wang, C.-H. Yeh, I.-T. Hsieh, P.-Y. Yang, Y.-W. Hsiao, H.-T. Wu, C.-W. Pao, and C.-F. Shih, "Comparative Study of the Orientation and Order Effects on the Thermoelectric Performance of 2D and 3D Perovskites," Nanomaterials (Impact Factor: 5.7), vol. 14, p. 446, 2024.
  8. C.-Y. Lu, Y.-C. Sung, C.-H. Yeh, Y.-H. Chen, C.-Y. Kuan, K.-T. Hung, W.-H. Chen, W.-D. Hsu, C.-F. Shih, and C.-S. Yang, "Terahertz characterization of nano-scale high-entropy alloy films and their high-contrast grating applications," AIP Advances, vol. 14, 2024.
  9. H.-C. Hsu, W.-S. Huang, S.-H. Wu, and C.-F. Shih, "Organic perovskite coplanar waveguide monopole solar antenna," Organic Electronics (Impact Factor: 3.86), vol. 122, p. 106897, 2023.
  10. Y.-W. Hsiao, B. S. Cheng, H.-C. Hsu, S.-H. Wu, H.-T. Wu, C.-C. Leu, and C.-F. Shih, "Vertical-type 3D/Quasi-2D n-p Heterojunction Perovskite Photodetector," Advanced Functional Materials (Impact Factor: 19.92), vol. 33, p. 2300169, 2023.
  11. H.-C. Hsu, S.-T. Hong, S.-H. Wu, and C.-F. Shih, "A poly(methyl methacrylate)-encapsulated perovskite solar antenna with a long lifespan," Organic Electronics (Impact Factor: 3.86), vol. 114, p. 106748, 2023.
  12. Y.-W. Hsiao, S.-R. Chee, H.-T. Wu, and C.-F. Shih, "Thermoelectric properties of solution-prepared n-type and p-type CZTSSe thin films," Ceramics International (Impact Factor: 5.53), vol. 49, pp. 6958-6964, 2023.
  13. H.-C. Hsu, S.-H. Wu, Y.-L. Tung, and C.-F. Shih, "Long-term stable perovskite solar cells prepared by doctor blade coating technology using bilayer structure and non-toxic solvent," Organic Electronics, vol. 101, p. 106400, 2022.
  14. Y.-W. Hsiao, J.-Y. Song, H.-T. Wu, C.-C. Leu, and C.-F. Shih, "Properties of Halide Perovskite Photodetectors with Little Rubidium Incorporation", Nanomaterials, 12, 157, 2022.
  15. Y.-W. Hsiao, J.-Y. Song, H.-T. Wu, K.-T. Hong, C.-C. Leu, and C.-F. Shih, "Effects of cesium content on the triple-cation lead halide perovskite photodetectors with enhanced detectivity and response time," Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 889, 2022.
  16. Y. W. Hsiao, S. Y. Wang, C. L. Huang, C. C. Leu, and C. F. Shih, "Resistive Switching Property of Organic-Inorganic Tri-Cation Lead Iodide Perovskite Memory Device," Nanomaterials, Article vol. 10, no. 6, p. 13, Jun 2020, Art. no. 1155.
  17. H. T. Wu, Y. T. Cheng, C. C. Leu, S. H. Wu, and C. F. Shih, "Improving Two-Step Prepared CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells by Co-Doping Potassium Halide and Water in PbI2 Layer," Nanomaterials, Article vol. 9, no. 5, p. 11, May 2019, Art. no. 666.
  18. H.-T. Wu, Y.-C. Su, C.-W. Pao, and C.-F. Shih, "ZnO/Silicon-Rich Oxide Superlattices with High Thermoelectric Figure of Merit: A Comprehensive Study by Experiment and Molecular Dynamic Simulation," ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol. 11, no. 14, pp. 13507-13513, 2019.
  19. C.-F. Shih, H.-T. Wu, W.-L. Tsai, and C.-C. Leu, "Improvement of resistive memory properties of poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly (styrenesulfonate)/CH3NH3PbI3 based device by potassium iodide additives," Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 783, pp. 478-485, 2019.
  20. H.-T. Wu, C.-W. Pao, Y.-C. Su, and C.-F. Shih, "Al-doped ZnO/Silicon-rich oxide superlattices with high room-temperature thermoelectric figure of merit," Materials Letters, vol. 245, pp. 33-36, 2019.
  21. H.-T. Wu, Y.-F. Chen, C.-F. Shih, C.-C. Leu, and S.-H. Wu, "Memory properties of (110) preferring oriented CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite film prepared using PbS-buffered three-step growth method," Thin Solid Films, vol. 660, pp. 320-327, 2018.
  22. S.-H. Wu, K.-T. Huang, H.-J. Chen, and C.-F. Shih, "Cu2ZnSn (SxSe1− x) 4 thin film solar cell with high sulfur content (x approximately 0.4) and low Voc deficit prepared using a postsulfurization process," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 175, pp. 89-95, 2018.
  23. S. Wu, Q. Guan, K. Huang, C.-F. Shih, and Y. Wang, "Effect of SnS buffer layer on solution process prepared Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells," Chalcogenide Letters, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 147-151, 2017.
  24. Shih-Hsiung Wu, Yu-Yun Wang, Kuan-Ta Huang, Chuan-Feng Shih, Chia-Wen Chang, Chou-Cheng Li, Sheng-Wen Chan. "Sulfur-rich sulfurization and solution stability of Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells fabricated by 2-Methoxyethanol-based process". Journal of Alloys and Compounds 703 (2017) 309-314
  25. Shih-Hsiung Wu, Chia-Wen Chang, Hui-Ju Chen, Chuan-Feng Shih*, Yu-Yun Wang, Chou-Cheng Li, Sheng-Wen Chan. "High-efficiency Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells fabricated through a low-cost solution process and a two-step heat treatment". Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2017; 25:58–66
  26. Sheng-Wen Fu, Hui-Ju Chen, Hsuan-Ta Wu, Chuan-FengShih*. "Enhancing crystallization of silicon nanocrystal embedded in silicon-rich oxide by ion beam-assisted sputtering". Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 56 (2016) 1–4
  27. Hui-Ju Chen, Sheng-Wen Fu, Shih-Hsiung Wu, Tsung-Chieh Tsai, Hsuan-Ta Wu, Chuan-Feng Shih*. "Impact of SnS Buffer Layer at Mo/Cu2ZnSnS4 Interface". J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 99 [5] 1808–1814 (2016)
  28. Hui-Ju Chen, Sheng-Wen Fu, Shih-Hsiung Wu, Hsuan-Ta Wu, Chuan-Feng Shih*. "Comparative study of self-constituent buffer layers (CuS, SnS, ZnS) for synthesis Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films." Materials Letters 169 (2016) 126–130
  29. Chen HJ, Fu SW, Wu SH, Tsai TC, Wu HT, Shih CF*. "Structural and photoelectron spectroscopic studies of band alignment at Cu2ZnSnS4/CdS heterojunction with slight Ni doping in Cu2ZnSnS4," J Phys D Appl Phys (Accepted: 11 April 2016). (2.721)
  30. Fu SW, Chen HJ, Wu SH, Wu HT, Shih CF*. "Impact of pre-alloying of sputtered Cu/Sn/Zn precursors for Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films." Mater Lett 2016, 173: 1-4. (2.489)
  31. Fu SW, Chen HJ, Wu HT, Shih CF*. "Effect of SiO2 layers on electroluminescence from Si nanocrystal/SiO2 superlattices prepared using argon ion beam assisted sputtering." Vacuum 2016, 126: 59-62. (1.858)
  32. Fu SW, Chen HJ, Wu HT, Chuang BR, Shih CF*. "Effect of hydrogen ion beam treatment on Si nanocrystal/SiO2 superlattice-based memory devices." Appl Surf Sci 2016, 367 134-139. (2.711)
  33. Fu SW, Chen HJ, Wu HT, Hung KT, Shih CF*. "Electrical and optical properties of Al:ZnO films prepared by ion-beam assisted sputtering." Ceram Int 2016, 42(2): 2626-2633. (2.605)
  34. Fu SW, Chen HJ, Wu HT, Chen SP, Shih CF* Enhancing the electroluminescence efficiency of Si NC/SiO superlattice-based light-emitting diodes through hydrogen ion beam treatment. Nanoscale 2016, 8 7155-7162. (7.394)
  35. Chen H-J, Fu S-W, Wu S-H, Tsai T-C, Wu H-T, Shih CF* "Impact of SnS Buffer Layer at Mo/Cu2ZnSnS4Interface." J Am Ceram Soc 2016, 99: 1808-1814. (2.610)
  36. Chen HJ, Fu SW, Tsai TC, Shih CF*. "Quaternary Cu2NiSnS4 thin films as a solar material prepared through electrodeposition." Mater Lett 2016, 166: 215-218. (2.489)
  37. H. J. Chen, S. W. Fu, S. H. Wu, H. T. Wu, C. F. Shih*, "Impact of pre-alloying before sulfurization of electroplated Cu/Sn bilayers", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 651, 91-96, (2015).
  38. C. L. Huang*, Y. H. Chien , C. F. Shih, H. Y. Chang, "Crystal structure and dielectric properties of xCa(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-(1-x)(Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3 at the microwave frequency", Materials Research Bulletin, 63, 1-5 (2015).
  39. C. F. Shih, C. Y. Hsiao, Y. C. Hsiao, B. C. Chen, C. C. Leu*, "Evidence of change in crystallization behavior of thin HfO2 on Si: Effects of self-formed SiO2 capping layer", Thin solid films, 556, 291-293 (2014).
  40. Chuan-Feng Shih*, Chu-Yun Hsiao, and Kuan-Wei Su, "Enhanced white photoluminescence in silicon-rich oxide/SiO2 superlattices by low-energy ion-beam treatment", Optics Express, 21[13] 15888-15895 (2013) (IF=3.546, 5/80)
  41. Hui-Ju Chen, Hsuan-Ta Wu, Kuang-Teng Hung, Sheng-Wen Fu, Chuan-Feng Shih*, “Sodium Doping in Copper-Phthalocyanine /C60 Heterojunction for Organic Photovoltaic Applications”, Accepted, Thin solid films (2013) (IF=1.935, 3/18)
  42. Chuan-Feng Shih, Chu-Yun Hsiao, Bo-Cun Chen, Yu-Chih Hsiao, and Ching-Chich Leu*, “Constraint annealing of HfO2 films on silicon substrate: Suppression of Si outward emission” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96 [2] 376–378 (2013) (IF=2.169,2/25
  43. Shih-Hsiung Wu, Chuan Feng Shih*, Hung Chun Pan, Yu Yun Wang, Chung Shin Wu “Investigation of vulcanization of non-crystalline Cu2ZnSnS4 nano-particles”, Accepted. Thin solid films (2013). (IF=1.935, 3/18)
  44. Kuang-Teng Hung, Hsuan-Ta Wu, Sheng-Wen Fu, Hui-Ju Chen, Chu-Yun Hsiao, and Chuan-Feng Shih* “Improving Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells by Preparing Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Films by Ion Beam-Assisted Sputtering”, OrganicElectronics, 14, 182-6 (2013). (IF=4.029, 14/118)
  45. Chu-Yun Hsiao, Jhih-Cheng Wu, and Chuan-Feng Shih*, “Epitaxy of Zn2TiO4 (111) thin films on GaN (001)”, Materials Research Bulletin, Accepted (2013). (IF=2.105, 55/232)
  46. Chu-Yun Hsiao, Wei-Min Li, Kuo-Shin Tung, Chuan-Feng Shih*, Wen-Dung Hsu, “Synthesis and application of magnesium oxide nanospheres with high surface area”, Materials Research Bulletin, 47, 3912-5 (2012). (IF=2.105, 55/232)
  47. C.W. Cheng, C. F. Shih, R. K. Behera, W. D. Hsu*, “Investigation of initial stages of nano-ceramic particle sintering using atomistic simulations”, Surf. Coat. Technol. (2012) (IF=2.141, 2/18)
  48. C.F. Shih*, K.T. Hung, H.T. Wu, S.W. Fu, H.J. Chen , C.Y. Hsiao, “In situ monitoring of photovoltaic properties in organic solar cells during thermal annealing”, Organic Electronics, [13] 373-6 (2012). (IF=4.029, 14/118)
  49. “Electrochemical performances of diamond-like carbon coatings on carbon steel, stainless steel, and brass”, Accepted. Thin Solid Films. (2012) (IF=1.935, 3/18)
  50. C.Y. Hsiao, J.C. Wu, H.T. Wu, and C.F. Shih*, “Composite Mg2TiO4(111)/MgO (111) gate oxide on GaN (001)”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 95 [1] 45-8 (2012). (IF=2.169, 2/25)
  51. C. Y. Hsiao, C. F. Shih,* K. W. Su, H. J. Chen, and S. W. Fu, “Self-assembled Si/SiO2 superlattice in Si-rich oxide films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 053115 (2011). (IF=3.863, 15/118)
  52. C. F. Shih*, K. T. Hung, C. Y. Hsiao, K. T. Huang, S. H. Chen, “Incorporation of potassium at CuPc/C60 interface for solar cell application”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 113307 (2011). (IF=3.863)
  53. C. Y. Hsiao, C. F. Shih*, C. H. Chien, C. L. Huang, “Textured magnesium titanate as gate Oxide for GaN-based MOS capacitor”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 [4], 1005-1007 (2011). (IF=2.169, 2/25)
  54. K. T. Hung, K. T. Huang, C. Y. Hsiao, and C. F. Shih*, “Improving efficiency ofpentacene/C60 based solar cells with mixed Interlayers”, Thin Solid Film. 519, [15], 5270-3 (2011). (IF=1.935, 3/18)
  55. C. Y. Hsiao, C. F. Shih*, S. H. Chen, W. T. Jiang, “Comparison of silicon nanocrystals embedded slicon oxide films by sputtering and PECVD”, Thin Solid Film. 519, [15], 5086-9 (2011). (IF=1.935, 3/18)
  56. C. Y. Hsiao, C. F. Shih*, C. H. Chien, C. L. Huang, “MgTiO3 (003) thin film deposited on sapphire (0001) by sputtering”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 [2], 363-3 (2011). (IF=2.169, 2/25)
  57. C. F. Shih*, W. M. Li, W. D. Hsu and K. S. Tung “Low-loss magnesium titanate at microwave frequencies”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 93 [9] 2448–51 (2010). (IF=2.169, 2/25)
  58. C. F. Shih*, K. T. Hung, J. W. Wu, K. T. Huang, and S. H. Wu, “Improving efficiency of poly(3-hexylthiophene):1-(3-methoxycarbonyl)-propyl-1-phenyl-(6,6)C61-based organic solar cells by heat-treatment under hydrostatic pressure”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.49, 04204(2010). (1.058)
  59. T. W. Wang, N. C. Chen*, W. C. Lien, M. C. Wu, C. F. Shih, “Violet light-emitting diodes grown on crack-free AlGaN templates”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27, 1881 (2009). (IF=1.341, 96/245)
  60. C. F. Shih*, W. M. Li, M. M. Lin, C. Y. Hsiao, K. T. Hung, “Low-temperature sintered Zn2TiO4:TiO2 with near-zero temperature coefficient of resonant frequency at microwave frequency”, J. Alloy. Compd., 485, 408 (2009). (IF=2.289, 4/75)
  61. C. F. Shih*, K. T. Hung, J. W. Wu, C. Y. Hsiao, and W. M. Li, “Efficiency improvement of blended poly(3-hexylthiophene) and 1-(3-methoxycarbonyl)-propyl-1-phenyl-(6,6)C61 solar cells by nanoimprinting”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 143505 (2009). (IF=3.863, 15/118)
  62. C. F. Shih*, K. T. Hung, S. C. Shu, W. M. Li, “Investigations of GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors with sputtered HfO2 gate dielectrics”, J. Alloy. Compd. 480, 541 (2009). (IF=2.289, 4/75)
  63. C. F. Shih*, W. M. Li, S. C. Shu, C. Y. Hsiao, and K. T. Hung, “Electrical properties of Al/HfO2/n-GaN prepared by reactive sputtering”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 48, 020224, (2009).
  64. C. H. Shen, C. L. Huang*, C. F. Shih, C. M. Huang, “The effect of Ca0.61Nd0.26TiO3 addition on the microwave dielectric properties of (Mg0.95Ni0.05)TiO3 ceramics”, J. Alloy. Compd. 475, 391 (2009). (IF=2.289, 4/75)
  65. C. H. Shen, C. L. Huang*, C. F. Shih, C. M. Huang, “A novel temperature-compensated microwave dielectric (1-x)(Mg0.95Ni0.05)TiO3-xCa0.6La0.8/3TiO3 ceramics system”, Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol. (2009). Accepted.
  66. C. H. Shen, C. L. Huang, C. F. Shih, C. M. Huang*, “Dielectric properties of Mg0.95Ni0.05TiO3” ceramic modified by Nd0.5Na0.5TiO3 at microwave frequencies”, Curr. Appl. Phys. 9, 1042-1045 (2009).
  67. C. F. Shih*, W. M. Li, M. M. Lin, and K. T. Hung, “Zinc Titanates Sintered from ZnO and TiO2 Nanowires Prepared by Hydrothermal Process”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 156, E03 (2009). [NSC 96-2221-E-006-288-MY2] This paper was also selected for by Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, vol. 18, iss. 20.(IF=2.793,1/18)tualVirpublication
  68. T. W. Wang, N.C. Chen*, W. C. Lien, M. C. Wu, C. F. Shih, “Effects of the GaN and AIN nucleation layers on the crack-free AlGaN templates” J. Appl. Phys. 104 , 063104 (2008). (IF=2.168, 37/125)
  69. C. F. Shih*, W. M. Li, M. M. Lin, K. T. Hong, C. Y. Hsiao, and C. L. Lee, “Sintering of ZnO and TiO2 nanostructures”, Electrochem. Solid State Lett. 11, K105 (2008). (IF=1.995, 62/232)
  70. C. F Shih*, N. C. Chen and C. Y. Tseng, “Photoelectron Spectroscopic Investigation of InN and InN/GaN Heterostructures”, Thin Solid Films, 516, 5016 (2008). (IF=1.935, 3/18)
  71. C. H. Hsu*, C. F. Shih, C. C. Yu, H. H. Tung, and M. H. Chung, “Low temperature sintering and microwave dielectric properties of 0.6Ba(Co1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.4Ba(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3 ceramics using copper additions”, J. Alloy. Compd. 461, 355 , 4/75)(2008).(IF=2.289
  72. C. L. Huang*, J. J. Wang, B. J. Li, and C. F. Shih, “Dielectric properties of (1-x)(Mg0.95Zn0.05)TiO3-x(Na0.5Nd0.5)TiO3 ceramic system at microwave frequencies”, Mater. Lett. 62, 2516 (2008).(IF=2.307, 47/232)
  73. G.. M. Wu*, C. W. Tsai, C. F. Shih, N. C. Chen and W. H. Feng “GaN/Si(111) epilayer based on low temperature AlN and AlGaN/GaN supperlattice for light emitting diodes”, Nanoscience and Technology, Pts 1 and 2, 587 (2007).
  74. G. W. Shu, P. F. Wu, M. H. Lo, and J. L. Shen, T. Y. Lin, H. J. Chang and Y. F. Chen*, C. F. Shih, C. A. Chang and N. C. Chen, “Concentration dependence of carrier localization in InN epilayers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 131913 (2006).
  75. A. P. Chiu, N. C. Chen*, P. H. Chang, and C. F. Shih “Crack-free AlGaN/GaN Bragg mirrors grown on Si (111) substrates by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c), 3, 2014 (2006).
  76. K. T. Wu, P. H. Chang, S. T. Lien, N. C. Chen, C. A. Chang, C. F. Shih, W. C. Lien, Y. H. Wu, S. C. Chen, Y. H. Chang, and C. T. Liang “Growth and characterization of GaN/AlGaN high-electron mobility transistors grown on p-type Si substrates”, Phys. E 32,566(2006).
  77. N. C. Chen*, W. C. Lien, C. F. Shih, P. H. Chang, T. W. Wang, and M. C. Wu, “Nitride light-emitting diodes grown on Si (111) using a TiN template”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 191110 (2006).
  78. C. A. Chang*, S. T. Lien, C. H. Liu, C. F. Shih, N. C. Chen, P. H. Chang, H. C. Peng, T. Y. Tang, W. C. Lien, Y. H. Wu, K. T. Wu, J. W. Chen, C. T. Liang, Y. F. Chen, T. U. Lu, and T. Y. LIN, “Effect of Buffer Layers on Electrical, Opticaland Structural Properties of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures Grown on Si”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45, 2516 (2006).
  79. C. H. Hou, C. C. Chen, B. J. Pong, M. H. Li, G. C. Chi, N. C. Chen, C. F. Shih, and P. H. Chang “GaN-based stacked micro-optics system”, Appl. Optics 45, 2396 (2006).
  80. W. S. Su, C. W. Lu, Y. F. Chen, T. Y. Lin, E. H. Lin, C. A. Chang, N. C. Chen, P. H. Chang, C. F. Shih and K. S. Liu, “Light induced electrostatic force spectroscopy: Application to local electronic transitions in InN epifilms”, J. Appl.Phys. 99,53518(2006).
  81. H. Y. Lin, Y. F. Chen, T.Y. Lin, C. F. Shih, K.S. Liu, and N.C. Chen, “Direct evidence of compositional pulling effect in AlxGa1-xN epilayers”, J. Cryst. Growth, 290, 225-228 (2006).
  82. P. H. Chang, N. C. Chen, Y. N. Wang, C. F. Shih, M. H. Wu, T. H. Yang, Y. H. Tzou, and S. J. Yang, “Light-emitting diodes with nickel substrates fabricated by electroplating”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 23, L22 (2005).
  83. N.C. Chen*, P.H. Chang, Y. N. Wang, H.C. Peng, W.C. Lien, C. F. Shih, Chin-An Chang, G.M. Wu, “Schottky behavior at InN-GaN interface”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 2121111 (2005).
  84. C. F. Shih, N. C. Chen*, P. H. Chang, and K. S. Liu, “Band offsets of the InN/GaN interface” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 44 7892 (2005).
  85. C. F. Shih, N. C. Chen*, P. H. Chang, and K. S. Liu, “Effect of surface electronic states of p-type GaN on the blue light-emitting diodes”, J. Electrochem. Soc.152, G816 (2005).
  86. C. F. Shih, N. C. Chen*, P. H. Chang, and K. S. Liu, “Field emission properties of self-assembled InN nano-structures: Effect of Ga incorporation”, J. Cryst. Growth 281, 328 (2005).
  87. S.C. Chen, S.K. Lin, K.T. Wu, C.P. Huang, P.H. Chang, N.C. Chen, C.A. Chang, H.C. Peng, C. F. Shih, K.S. Liu, H.S. Wang, P.T. Yang, C. T. Liang, Y. H. Chang, and Y.F. Chen, “Transport measurements on MOVPE-grown InN films”, Microelectronics Journal 36, 428 (2005).
  88. C. F. Shih, N. C. Chen*, P. H. Chang, K. S. Liu “AlGaN films grown on (0001) sapphire by a two-step method”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 2111031, (2005).
  89. C. F. Shih, N. C. Chen*, C. A. Chang, and K. S. Liu, “Blue, Green, and White InGaN Light-Emitting Diodes Grown on Si” Jpn. J. of Appl. Phys. part 2, Vol. 44, No. 4A, pp L140-L143 (2005).
  90. C. F. Shih, M. Y. Keh, Y. N. Wang, N. C. Chen, Chin-An Chang, P. H. Chang, and K. S. Liu, “High quality and crack-free AlxGa1-xN (x~0.2) grown on sapphire by a two-step growth method” J. Cryst. Growth 277, 44 (2005).
  91. S. K. Lin, K. T. Wu, C. P. Huang, C. T. Liang, Y. H. Chang, Y. F. Chen, P. H. Chang, N. C. Chen, C. A. Chang, H. C. Peng, C. F. Shih, K. S. Liu, and T. Y. Lin, “Electron transport in In-rich InxGa1-xN films” J. Appl. Phys. 97, 046101 (2005).
  92. C. A. Chang*, C. F. Shih, N. C. Chen, T. Y. Lin, and K. S. Liu “In-rich In1-xGaxN films by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy” Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 6131 (2004).
  93. N. C. Chen, C. Y. Tseng, A. P. Chiu, C. F. Shih, and P. H. Chang, “Application of modified transmission line model to measure p-type GaN contact” Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 6086 (2004).
  94. N. C. Chen, P. H. Chang, A. P. Chiu, M. C. Wang, W. S. Feng, G. M. Wu, C. F. Shih, and K. S. Liu, “Modified transmission line model and its application to aluminum ohmic contacts with n-type GaN” Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 2584 (2004).
  95. N. C. Chen, C. F. Shih, C. A. Chang, A. P. Chiu, S. D. Teng, and K. S. Liu, “High-quality GaN films grown on Si(111) by a reversed Stranski-Krastanov growth mode” Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Res. 241, 2698 (2004).
  96. C. A. Chang, C. F. Shih, N. C. Chen, P. H. Chang, and K. S. Liu, “High mobility InN films grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy” Phys. Status Solidi C, 1, 2559 (2004).
  97. I-Nan Lin, K. Perng, L. H Lee, C. F. Shih, K. S. Liu, G. A. Evans and J. W. Steeds, “Comparison of the effect of boron and nitrogen incorporation on the nucleation behavior and electron-field-emission properties of chemical-vapor-depositeddiamond films”Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 1277 (2000).
  98. C. F. Shih, K. S. Liu, I-Nan Lin, “Effect of nitrogen doping on the electron field emission properties of chemical vapor deposited diamond films” Diam. Rel. Mater. 9, 1591 (2000).
會議論文( Conference )
  1. C.-H. Yeh, C.-H. Hu, H.-T. Wu, W.-D. Hsu, B. H.-C. Liu, and C.-F. Shih, “Thermal Stability and Magnetic Properties of FeCoNiSiCuNb High-Entropy Alloy as a Magnetic Shielding Material in Wireless Charging Applications”. 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, USA, 2024.
  2. C.-F. Shih (Invited Speaker), C.-H. Yeh, Y.-W Hsiao, Y.-H. Huang, H.-T. Wu, and C.-C. Leu, “2D/3D Heterojunction Perovskite Devices with Controlled Order and Orientation”. Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science (PRiME 2024), Honolulu, USA, 2024.
  3. C.-H. Yeh, T.-H. Pan, H.-T. Wu, and C.-F. Shih, “Thermal Stability and Electrochemical Characteristics of High Entropy Nitride Thin Films as Diffusion Barrier and Etch Stop for Cu/Si Interconnects”. Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science (PRiME 2024), Honolulu, USA, 2024.
  4. C.-F. Shih (Invited Speaker), W.-D. Hsu, B. H.-C Liu, C.-H. Yeh, C.-S. Yang, and C.-H. Hsu, “High-Entropy Alloy Films: From Fundamentals to Industrial Applications”. The 32nd International Materials Research Congress (IMRC2024), Cancun, Mexico, 2024.
  5. C.-H. Yeh, C.-F. Shih, B. H.-C. Liu, W.-D. Hsu, C.-S. Yang, and C.-H. Hsu, “Mechanical Properties of Re Modulated Refractory NbMoTaW Thin Films”. The 32nd International Materials Research Congress (IMRC2024), Cancun, Mexico, 2024.
  6. Chuan-Feng Shih (Keynote Speaker), Wen-Dung Hsu, Bernard Haochih Liu, Cheng-Hsien Yeh, "Material Design and Industrial Applications of High-Entropy Alloy Films", The 22nd International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design (ISEPD2024), Thailand, 2024.
  7. Cheng-Hsien Yeh, Chuan-Feng Shih, "The insulation coating technology of the Iron-based soft magnetic composites", The 22nd International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design (ISEPD2024), Thailand, 2024.
  8. Cheng-Hsien Yeh, Chia-Ching Lin, Hsuan-Ta Wu, and Chuan-Feng Shih, "A Novel (MoWCoNi)Nx High Entropy Nitride Thin Film as Diffusion Barrier for Copper/Silicon Interconnection", The 18th Conference of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS 2023), France, 2023.
  9. Cheng-Hsien Yeh, Hau-Shiang You, Yuan-Chun Chang, Wen-Dung Hsu, Hsuan-Ta Wu, and Chuan-Feng Shih, "AlxZnCoNi High-Entropy Alloy Thin-Film for Ultra-Violet Reflector Application", INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH-ENTROPY MATERIALS (ICHEM 2023), USA, 2023.
  10. Cheng-Hsien Yeh, Teng Yi Huang, Bernad-Haochih Liu, Wen-Dung Hsu, Cheng-Hsing Hsu, Chan-Shan Yang, Hsuan-Ta Wu, and Chuan-Feng Shih, "Refractory NbMoTaW High Entropy Alloy film as Diffusion Barrier for Copper/Silicon Interconnections", INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH-ENTROPY MATERIALS (ICHEM 2023), USA, 2023.
  11. Yuan-Wen Hsiao , Shang-Ren Chee , Hsuan-Ta Wu , Chuan-Feng Shih,"Thermoelectric properties of CZTSSe Thin Films", International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2022HIGEM).
  12. Bi-Shane Cheng, Yuan-Wen Hsiao , Chuan-Feng Shih, "Photodetectors Using Quasi Two-Dimension P-Type Perovskite Layer", International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2022HIGEM).
  13. Yuan-Wen Hsiao, Sheng-Ting Hong, Chuan-Feng Shih,"Organic perovskite-based green-energy solar antenna", International Conference on Hierarchical Green Energy Materials (2022HIGEM).
  14. Yuan-Wen Hsiao, Tzu-Han Lin, Chi.JuiWu, Ching-ChichLeu and Chuan-Feng Shih* "A study on anodic aluminum oxide porous templetefor growing textured organic perovskite and its properties"The 1st symposium on Nano-Device Circuits and Technologies, SNDCT, May, 20-21, 2021.
  15. 蕭淵文、林子涵、吳啟瑞、呂正傑、施權峰 "以多孔陽極氧化鋁成長優選方向之有機鈣鈦礦其薄膜特性之研究" 2020年中國材料科學學會, New Taipei City, November 6-7, 2020.
  16. 葉政賢、陳葆真、蕭淵文、施權峰 "NbMoTaW四元高熵合金薄膜之微觀結構、導電性與機械特性之研究" 2019年中國材料科學學會, Tainan, November 15-16, 2019.
  17. 蕭淵文、王士毓、宋畯祐、施權峰 "陽離子摻雜對鈣鈦礦電阻式記憶體特性影響之研究" 2019年中國材料科學學會, Tainan, November 15-16, 2019.
  18. 蕭淵文、蔡萬霖、吳炫達、施權峰 "摻雜碘化鉀對有機鈣鈦礦電阻式記憶體特性影響之研究" 2018年中國材料科學學會, Taichung, November 16-17, 2018.
  19. Y. W. Hsiao, K. T. Huang, H. T. Wu, K. T. Hung, Y. T. Cheng, C. F. Shih"Improving efficiency of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells by co-doping H2O and potassium halide in PbI2 buffer layer" FOR THE 35TH EU PVSEC 2018.
  20. Invited speaker, 4th EITA Young Investigator Conference, “Si quantum dots based photoelectronic devices.” MIT, MA, US 2015.
  21. Invited speaker, BIT's 6th Annual New Energy Forum-2016, “Low-cost and environmental-friendly CZTSSe solar cells with an efficiency >10%.” Korea, 2016.
  22. S. H. Chen · M. C. Chen · H. M. Chen C. F. Shih et. al. "Schottky barrier free NiSi/Si junction technology by Yb-implantation for 1xnm CMOS applications", 2013 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Application (VLSI-TSA) (DOI: 10.1109/VLSI-TSA.2013.6545608)
  23. H. J. Chen, S. W. Fu, and C. F. Shih, "Comparing photoluminescence and structural properties of electrochemically deposited Cu2SnS3 thin films", The Japan Society of Applied Physics(JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia), Kyoto, Japan, September 16-20, 2013 (DOI: 10.1364/JSAP.2013.16a_D4_6).
  24. C. Y. Hsiao, K. W. Su, K. T. Hung, H. T. Wu, H. J. Chen, S. W. Fu, S. H. Wu, and C. F. Shih, “Low-energy ion-beam assisted sputtering for Si nanocrystals”, 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (2011SSDM), Nagoya, Japan, September 28-30, 2009.
  25. K. T. Hung, C. Y. Hsiao, H. T. Wu, and S. W. Fu, H. J. Chen, C. F. Shih, “In situ monitoring of organic solar cells during thermal annealing”, 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (2011SSDM), Nagoya, Japan, September 28-30, 2009.
  26. H. J. Chen, K. T. Hung, C. Y. Hsiao, S. W. Fu, H. T. Wu, S. H. Wu, and C. F. Shih, “Sodium doping at CuPc/C60 interface for photovoltaic application”, 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (2011SSDM), Nagoya, Japan, September 28-30, 2009.
  27. H. T. Wu, C. Y. Hsiao, K. T. Hung, H. J. Chen, S. W. Fu, S. H. Wu, C. F. Shih, “Comprehensive studies of solvent annealing on organic photovoltaics”, 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (2011SSDM), Nagoya, Japan, September 28-30, 2009.
  28. S. W. Fu, J. C. Wu, C. Y. Hsiao, K. T. Hung,, H. T. Wu, H. J. Chen, S. H. Wu, and C. F. Shih, “Epitaxy of spinel Zn2TiO4 (111) on GaN (001) for MOS application”, 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (2011SSDM), Nagoya, Japan, September 28-30, 2009.
  29. C. Y. Hsiao, K. T. Huang, K. T. Hung and C. F. Shih, “Comparison of silicon nano-crystals embedded photodetectors deposited by sputtering and PECVD”, 2010 International Conference on Thin Films(Thin Films2010), Harbin, China, p297, July 11-14, 2010.
  30. K. T. Hung, K. T. Huang, C. Y. Hsiao and C. F. Shih, ”Efficiency Improvement of Pentacene/Fullerence Heterostructural Solar Cells by Inserting Periodic Multi-Layers ” , 2010 International Conference on Thin Films(Thin Films2010), Harbin, China, p374, July 11-14, 2010.
  31. C. F. Shih, W. M. Li, K. S. Tung, C. Y. Hsiao, and K. T. Hung, “Microwave dielectric properties of MgTiO3 by sintering MgO and TiO2 Nanostructures”, 2009 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (2009SSDM), Sendai, Japan, p69, October 7-9, 2009.
  32. C. F. Shih, C. Y. Hsiao, C. B. Shu, K. T. Hung, and W. M. Li, “Photoresponse of phase separated hafnium silicate in metal-insulator-semiconductor structure”, 2009 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (2009SSDM), Sendai, Japan, p65, October 7-9, 2009.
  33. C. F. Shih, K. T. Hung, j. W. Wu, C. Y. Hsiao, and W. M. Li, “Efficiency improvement of organic solar cells by hot-pressing”, 2009 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (2009SSDM), Sendai, Japan, p40, October 7-9, 2009.
  34. C. F. Shih, W. M. Li, K. S. Tung, M. M. Lin, K. T. Hung, and C. Y. Hsiao, “Microwave dielectric properties of MgTiO3 by sintering MgO and TiO2 nanostructures”, 11th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society (11th ECERS), Krakow, Poland, p91, June 21-25, 2009.
  35. W. M. Lee, C. F. Shih, M. M. Lin, and K. T. Hung, “Low temperature sintering of ZnTiO3 from ZnO and TiO2 nanostructures prepared by a chemical solution route.”, The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT4), Sendai, Japan, p128, May 21-24, 2008.
  36. K. T. Hung, C. F. Shih, W. M. Lee, J. W. Wu, and T. Y. Lin, “Investigation of pentacene-based organic solar cells with a thin pentacene:C60 interlayer”, The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT4), Sendai, Japan, p140, May 21-24, 2008.
  37. S. C. Shu, C. F. Shih, C. B. Shu, and W. M. Lee, “Properties of Al/HfO2/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor”, The 4th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology (CGCT4), Sendai, Japan, p146, May 21-24, 2008.
  38. S. K. Lin, K. T. Wu, S. C. Chen, C. P. Huang, P. H. Chang, N. C. Chen, C. A. Chang, H. C. Peng, C. F. Shih, K. S. Liu, H. S. Wang, P. T. Yang, C. T. Liang, Y. H. Chang and Y. F. Chen, “Measurements on MOVPE-grown InN thin films”, Th-P29, p181, 5th International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices (LDSD), Cancun-Mayan Rivera, December 12-17, (2004), Mexico.
  39. P. H. Chang, N. C. Chen, C. A. Chang, H. C. Peng, C. F. Shih, K. S. Liu, S. K. Lin, K. T. Wu, S. C. Chen, C. P. Huang, H. S. Wang, P. T. Yang, C. T. Liang, Y. H. Chang and Y. F. Chen, “Transport measurements on MOVPE-grown InN films”, p85, the 9th Asia Pacific Physics Conference(9th APPC), October 25-31(2004), Vietnam.
  40. C. A. Chang, C. F. Shih, N. C. Chen, and K. S. Liu, “High mobility InN Films Grown by MOVPE”, The 5th international Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes, p.56, 2004.
  41. N. C. Chen, C. F. Shih, C.A. Chang, and K.S. Liu, “High quality GaN films grown on Si (111) by reversed Stranski-Krastanov growth mode”, The 5th international Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes, p.285, 2004.
  42. 蕭竹芸, 簡志華, 施權峰, “氧化鋁基板上之鈦酸鎂薄膜特性研究”, 九十九年中國材料科學學會年會, Kaohsiung, ,Taiwan,p189 , October 19-20, 2010.
  43. 洪廣騰, 黃致賢, 施權峰, “摻雜微量鉀於 菁銅碳六十異質接面有機太陽能電池之研究”, 九十九年中國材料科學學會年會, Kaohsiung, ,Taiwan, p150, October 19-20, 2010.
  44. 蕭竹芸, 徐丞伯, 施權峰, “矽酸鉿厚 及退火溫 對電子嵌陷的影響”, 九十八年中國材料科學學會年會, Hualien, Taiwan, November 26-28, 2009.
  45. 李偉民, 董國信, 施權峰, “溶液法低溫合成高比表面積奈米結構氧化鎂”, 九十八年中國材料科學學會年會, Hualien, Taiwan, November 26-28, 2009.
  46. 施權峰, 洪廣騰, 吳震緯, 黃致賢, ”利用微奈米壓印技術改善高分子太陽能電池”, 九十八年中國材料科學學會年會, Hualien, Taiwan, November 26-28, 2009.
  1. 陳乃權 CHEN, N. C. ;張本秀 CHANG, P.H. ;施權峰 SHIH, C. F. ;邱安平 CHIU, A.P. 一種利用半導體晶體之自然劈裂面選擇性成長氮化物半導體元件的方法. ROC Patent #I236054. 2005/07/11
  2. 陳乃權 CHEN, N. C. ;張慶安 CHANG, C. A. ;張本秀 CHANG, P.H. ;施權峰 SHIH, C. F. ;連偉傑 LIEN, W. C. 以氮化鈦作為緩衝層之AlGaInN氮化合物基板結構及其製造方法. ROC Patent #I264835. 2006/10/21
  5. 施權峰 SHIH, CHUAN FENG;郭鐘亮 KWO, JON LIAN;傅聖文 FU, SHENG WEN;吳炫達 WU, HSUAN TA. LIGHT-EMITTING APPARATUS(發光裝置). ROC Patent #M443854. 2012/12/21
  6. 施權峰 SHIH, CHUAN FENG;傅聖文 FU, SHENG WEN;吳炫達 WU, HSUAN TA;賴志銘 LAI, CHIH MING;郭鐘亮 KWO, JON LIAN. HEAT DISSIPATING DEVICE(散熱裝置). ROC Patent #M456589. 2013/07/01
  8. 施權峰 SHIH, CHUAN FENG;傅聖文 FU, SHENG WEN;吳炫達 WU, HSUAN TA;賴志銘 LAI, CHIH MING;郭鐘亮 KWO, JON LIAN. LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE(發光裝置). ROC Patent #M468020. 2013/12/11
  10. 施權峰 SHIH, CHUAN FENG;傅聖文 FU, SHENG WEN;吳炫達 WU, HSUAN TA;賴志銘 LAI, CHIH MING. PORTION OF LIGHTING FIXTURE(燈具之部分). ROC Patent #D161327. 2014/06/21
  11. 施權峰 SHIH, CHUAN FENG;傅聖文 FU, SHENG WEN;吳炫達 WU, HSUAN TA;賴志銘 LAI, CHIH MING. PORTIOM OF HEAT SINK(散熱器之部分). ROC Patent #D161548. 2014/07/01
  12. 施權峰 SHIH, CHUAN FENG;賴志銘 LAI, CHIH MING;傅聖文 FU, SHENG WEN;吳炫達 WU, HSUAN TA. PORTION OF LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE(發光二極體之部分). ROC Patent #D161483. 2014/07/01
  13. 施權峰 SHIH, CHUAN FENG;賴志銘 LAI, CHIH MING;傅聖文 FU, SHENG WEN;吳炫達 WU, HSUAN TA. PORTION OF LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE(發光二極體之部分). ROC Patent #D161482. 2014/07/01
  15. 羅仁南 LO, JEN NAN;陳嘉彬 CHEN, CHIA PIN;施權峰 SHIH, CHUAN FENG. COLOR TEMPERATURE SWITCHABLE LIGHT BULB(可切換色溫的燈泡). ROC Patent #M490545. 2014/11/21
  16. 施權峰 SHIH, CHUAN FENG;郭鐘亮 KWO, JON LIAN;傅聖文 FU, SHENG WEN;吳炫達 WU, HSUAN TA. LIGHT-EMITTING APPARATUS(發光裝置). ROC Patent #I461634. 2014/11/21
  17. 吳炫達 WU, HSUAN TA;傅聖文 FU, SHENG WEN;賴志銘 LAI, CHIH MING;施權峰 SHIH, CHUAN FENG. PORTION OF LED LIGHTING DEVICE(LED燈具之部分). ROC Patent #D165609. 2015/01/21
  18. 施權峰SHIH, CHUAN-FENG;吳世雄WU, SHIH-HSIUNG;黃冠達;榮佑科技股份有限公司DIAMOND INNOTECH CO., LTD;"太陽能吸收層及其製作方法";ROC Patent #I619614. 2018/4/1
  1. 高熵材料之光-電-磁跨領域產業應用開發(1/3)(2024/08/01~2025/07/31)(國科會計畫)
  2. 鈣鈦礦光電晶體關鍵材料與元件應用開發(2024/08/01~2025/07/31)(國科會計畫)
  3. 環境永續之綠能無鉛鈣鈦礦太陽能電池技術開發(2/2)(2024/01/01~2024/12/31)(校內計畫)
  4. 高導電高熵合金薄膜應用於光電與被動元件開發-高性能高熵材料應用於高頻通訊與光電元件之理論與產業應用開發(3/3)(2023/08/01~2024/07/31)(國科會計畫)
  5. 應用於低軌衛星高穩定多功鈣鈦礦太陽能陣列天線開發(2023/08/01~2024/07/31)(國科會計畫)
  6. 環境永續之綠能無鉛鈣鈦礦太陽能電池技術開發(1/2)(2023/05/01~2023/12/31)(校內計畫)
  7. 高導電高熵合金薄膜應用於光電與被動元件開發-高性能高熵材料應用於高頻通訊與光電元件之理論與產業應用開發(2/3)(2022/08/01~2023/07/31)(國科會計畫)
  8. 高導電高熵合金薄膜應用於光電與被動元件開發-高性能高熵材料應用於高頻通訊與光電元件之理論與產業應用開發(1/3)(2021/08/01~2022/07/31)(國科會計畫)
  9. 穩定相多元陽離子鈣鈦礦材料與通訊元件開發(2020/08/01~2021/07/31)(國科會計畫)
  10. 高導電高熵薄膜之先進製程、理論與應用開發(3/3)(2020/08/01~2021/07/31)(國科會計畫)
  11. 高導電高熵薄膜之先進製程、理論與應用開發(2/3)(2019/08/01~2020/07/31)(國科會計畫)
  12. 高導電高熵薄膜之先進製程、理論與應用開發(1/3)(2018/08/01~2019/07/31)(國科會計畫)
  13. 全鈣鈦礦奈米陣列光電模組開發(I)(2019/08/01~2020/07/31)
  14. 全鈣鈦礦微陣列光感測與顯示模組開發(I)(2018/08/01~2019/07/31)
  15. 奈米矽超晶格多重物理研究與雙功能元件開發(2017/08/01~2018/07/31)
  16. 奈米矽超晶格電阻式發光記憶體雙功能元件開發(2016/08/01~2017/07/31)
  17. 磁性奈米化氧化物應用於有機太陽能電池之研究 (2013/08/01~2016/07/31)
  18. 有機太陽能電池即時量測技術 (2011/06/01~2012/05/31)
  19. 磊晶陶瓷光電薄膜開發 (2011/08/01~2013/07/31)
  20. 利用高精度金屬遮罩開發矽基光偵測器元件 (2010/06/01~2011/05/31)
  21. 離子束輔助成長量子點--能帶模擬、光響應與光伏特性研究 (2010/08/01~2011/10/31)
  22. 離子束輔助成長具量子點鑲埋之雙能障結構--特性與應用於太陽能電池之研究(I) (2009/08/01~2010/07/31)
  23. 利用微奈米壓印技術開發有機太陽能電池(2008/01/01~200812/31)
  24. 金屬-絕緣層-半導體奈米矽晶太陽能電池之開發 (2008/08/01~2009/07/31)
  25. 有機/無機混成太陽能電池之開發(2007/01/01~2007/12/31)
  26. 利用擴散與相分離製作矽量子點之熱電子式太陽能電池 (2007/08/01~2009/07/31)
  27. 三五族氮化物表面絕緣層特性研究與其場效電晶體之嘗試製作 (2006/08/01~2007/10/31)
本學年度 實驗室成員
張現源   黃致銘   黃國瑋   許淑君
林明珉   洪廣騰   吳震緯   徐丞伯
黃致賢   董國信   簡志華   陳柏村   吳世雄
傅聖文   吳誌澄   陳惠茹   張陳冠
蘇冠瑋   何怡瑩   吳炫達
莊秉儒   蕭有志   詹欣澤   洪雋涵
沈義評   陳紹平   卓佳嫺
蔡宗傑   曾學智   潘家鼎   莊佳憲
侯冠竹   黃仲楷   楊啟昌   戴嘉麒
曹瑞哲   陳永富   鄭宇廷   蘇祐群
陳逸青   宋明聰   王家恩   蔡萬霖
林家名   王士毓   蔡瑋哲
陳葆真   陳祺忠   宋畯祐
徐尚仁   洪聖珽   黃騰毅   林子涵   陳若玫
鄭弼軒   吳鎮宇   陳朝忠   黃文宣   游皓翔
鄭維元   黃昱心   胡家華   鄭政閔   黃郁慧   王義翔
范冠緯   朱明智   許廷宇   王明耀   曹榮哲   林家慶
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  2. 成大112年度永續跨領域整合型計畫,擔任總計畫主持人執行:環境永續之綠能無鉛鈣鈦礦太陽能電池技術開發計畫。研究成果榮獲優良獎(2024年1月)
  3. 榮獲創惟論文潛力獎(2023年6月)